23. Tae bear's b'day😚

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Next morning Jk woke up first. He opened his eyes and glanced at the beauty sleeping beside. He pecked her forehead while hugging her tightly.

Jk smiled remembering last night's moments. He closed his eyes and started caressing Tae's hairs. That's when his phone started ringing.

Jk immediately took his phone and accepted the call. He answered the call and got up from the bed after covering Tae properly with the bedsheet.

He wore his boxers and pants and went out to take his parcel. The delivery boy handed him the parcel and went away.

Jk removed a small box from the parcel and went towards Tae. He removed a particular thing from the box and hooked it around Tae's wrist.

Jk went back on the couch and took out another big box from the parcel. He removed the cake from it and decorated it with the candles.

Jk noticed Tae squirming in her sleep. He immediately lighted the candles and went towards her while placing the cake on the side table.

Tae opened her eyes while yawning. She looked up and found Jk seated beside her shirtless. That's when last night's events flashed in her mind making her blush. She hided her face with the bedsheet to not let Jk see her.

Jk- Come on Tae bear get up. You don't have to hide yourself from me. I have already seen everything.

Tae was feeling embarrassed at Jk's words. She didn't got out and continue to hide herself with the bedsheet. Jk grabbed the bedsheet and was trying to snatch it from Tae making her widen her eyes as she was naked under the sheet.

Tae grabbed the bedsheet tightly and sat up while covering her body with it.

Jk wrapped his hand around Tae's shoulder and snuggled on her neck.

Jk- Happy Birthday Tae bear.

Tae's eyes grew wide in shock. How can she forget her own birthday. Jk looked up and pecked her lips bringing her back to earth.

Tae- Y..you remembered my birthday?

Jk- How can I forget my love's birthday?

Tae blushed at Jk's words and hide her face in his chest.

Jk- Let's cut cake first. I already prepared for you.

Saying this Jk took the cake from the table and forwarded towards Tae.

Jk- First make a wish Tae bear.

Tae closed her eyes and prayed in mind.

Tae's pov.

I wish to be with Oppa forever. I hope he always stays happy, safe and secured.

Tae opened her eyes and blowed the candles. She cut the cake and feed the first bite to Jk. Jk too feed cake back to Tae while pecking her cheeks.

He kept the cake back on the table and sat closer to her while wrapping hands around her bare waist. He grabbed her hand and pecked it.

Jk- Btw how do you like my surprise? (asked while playing with the thing on Tae's wrist)

That's when Tae noticed something on her wrist. She smiled looking at it.

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