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"I just want to take a moment and say Ms. Panchi Mathur I TOLD YOU SO" said Siddhant as I cried my heart out in front of him. Apart from being self- righteous and not to forget annoying he was my best friend in the world.

Although Sid and I were taking the same classes but I never noticed him in class, maybe because he was too quite but we met at the theatre club introduction meeting where we instantly connected when I saw my favorite novel in his hand and we started discussing about our mutual interest for romance novels and realized we have so much in common so ever since then he became my soul mate.

Sid kept soothing me as I rested my head on his shoulder and waited for him to shut the fuck up when Abheer his boyfriend indicated him to be quite so I can cry over my very recent breakup in peace. I caught my boyfriend I mean ex-boyfriend kissing a junior from first year in the restricted area of the library where I was supposed to meet him after fifteen minutes because I wanted to surprise him by proposing to him like he did today exactly three years back.

Yes it was our three year anniversary but I guess life surprises you in the most unexpected ways. "oh honey it's gonna be fine, don't worry" Abheer said in a reassuring tone which would have calmed me down if I were to appear for a fucking exam but right now I could not think of anything other than that bastard and his lies. 

"I think I should go, you guys probably wanna spend some time together and I have already taken your whole day" Siddhant's family was really supportive of his life decisions and they loved Abheer and didn't mind him staying the night at their place and it was their date night, a tradition they made in the beginning of their relation, something I always wanted to do with Aryan but being the head boy he never had time.

I was in a chain of thoughts when Sid frowned, he thinks I am some fragile doll who may break if left alone, I smile weakly and mouth please to which he replied in a deep sigh and made me promise to call him as soon as I reach home. I grabbed my bag and they came to the gate to say goodbye. "bye guys see you tomorrow, love you both and thank you for being there for me" I said as I hugged them at the main door. Along with Sid, Abheer also became a great friend in no time and now I couldn't imagine life without them. "oh shut up P, I would have married you if it was not for this one over here" Siddhant playfully gestured towards Abheer who rolled his eyes and nodded agreeing.

Just as I was about to leave, a car pulled over in front of the gate and a tall man stood blocking the way looking at me as if I had stolen something from him. "why is her car parked in my spot" Vihang said looking at me. Vihang was Sid's elder brother and a senior in our college. Apparently he hates me because he thinks I am a bad influence on his younger brother. Vihang believes Sid always ends up in trouble because of me and well I hate him simply because he's an insufferable asshole.

"Relax bhai she's about to leave" Siddhant told his brother as if warning him not say anything. "she better because I don't like entertaining guests at this hour" Vihang said still looking at me as if he could see through all that I refuse to let out to the world. His eyes had something dark which was gone in a blink or maybe I really needed to go home and get some sleep. "yah right as if I want to stay in your presence" I said as I rolled my eyes.

Vihang opened his mouth to say something when Abheer interrupted " let it be Vihu bhai she had a tough day" Vihang's eyes again met mine and for some reason it gave a weird tick in my stomach but I chose to ignore it along with Mr. Big shot. I took out the keys from my bag and opened the front door of my car which my dad gifted me on my eighteenth birthday. Siddhant hugged me again asking if I was really ok. I hugged him tighter assuring him I was fine. Meanwhile Vihang went back to his car waiting for me to free his parking spot.

I drove out from the house giving Vihang a middle finger because no matter how bad my day maybe, there was no way I was letting Mr. Vihang Asshole Ahuja get away with that attitude. I drove back to my house which was a fifteen minute drive from Sid's house but due to less traffic on the road I reached home in ten minutes.

 I took out the keys and unlocked the door. Keeping my bag on the sofa in the living room I saw that Manju didi had again made dal chawal so I just went straight to my room and changed into my comfy pjs and brought the ice cream from the freezer and played music and ate in silence. It was my dida's favorite song that played and before I knew I was crying again.

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