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  After texting with Panchi, I couldn't concentrate on my studies obviously, so I slept after rereading our little conversation for about ten minutes. I also called Vartika and got her up to speed since she was too busy planning her wedding. "Okay Mr hot and handsome now can I go back to sleep" she asked but I kept talking so she hung up while I was speaking.

I woke up to the ringing of my phone the next morning. It was Panchi, her calling this early got me worried. But thankfully both she and her dad were fine. She wanted me to pick our dresses for her play. Something or rather someone, hopefully me, changed her mind about the play.

"Oh good you're awake, P just called to tell me that her dad convinced her to participate in the play today, so just do what she's asked you too. And Bhai please shave and clean-up" Sid came, barked and left. So she's doing it for her father I thought to myself.

I got ready in under half an hour to go. Sid asked me to drop him to college since I was anyways going there to pick up Panchi's dress. "Nobody is leaving without breakfast" Maa shouted so both of us quietly sat down to eat.

We reached college and I parked the car at my regular spot. Sid wouldn't just shut his mouth about Panchi agreeing to perform and he kept instructing me not to screw up anything. I ignored his version of this pep talk and directly went to see Jasmine.

"I'm so glad Panchi came through at last moment. Here these are your costumes" she said handling me two bags, and dam hers was so heavy. I thanked her and rushed back to Panchi's because she clearly mentioned not to be late. She said she wants atleast two to get ready and do atleast one dress rehearsal, not that she needs it if you ask me.

I reached her place ten minutes before eleven. "Your delivery man at your service ma'am" I said as she opened the door. She took the bags and asked me follow her. It was the first time I was in her room. It had a girly touch but not too much. Light green walls with a cream shaded décor.

Her room was clean, atleast cleaner than mine. No wonder she cleaned my room. I looked around and noticed her panda bed sheets and her sponge bob pillows. I threw myself on her bed and played with her pillows. "Don't touch anything or I'll burn your hands" she warned me but I ignored her empty threats. Finally she snatched the pillow and kept it on the bean bag near the window.

"Where's uncle? Haven't seen him around" I asked her sitting up straight. She told me he went to the office with his manager and will attend the event from here itself. She sounded worried so I changed the subject to distract her. "So it's just you and me, alone in this big house" I said looking around.

She did that deadly stare thing with her eyes. I have to admit it scares me a little. I stopped talking after that. She went in the bathroom to try her dress and asked me to check mine too. I was just changing the shirt when Panchi came out wearing her gown. We both froze seeing each other. "Close your mouth little sparrow, you are drooling all over your gown" I said averting my gaze.

She looked mesmerizing in the dress. It hugged her curves perfectly. Even without the makeup her skin was flawless. All I wanted to do was kiss those pink lips of her. And even though she could win the Ms World title in that dress, I wanted to rip that dress, claim her body and mark my boundary all over her.

I buttoned my shirt and knotted the tie but kept it a little loose. Panchi saw me fidgeting with it so she came closer and jerked my hand away. I could feel her breath on me. That mole just between her clavicles was visible due to the deep neckline of the dress. I lost all control so I held her face in my hands, lowered my mouth, closed my eyes and placed my lips on hers. Before I could realize it, we were kissing.

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