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"He could have tried to hurt you and no one can hurt you in front of me sweetheart." Vihang's words and the whole canteen incident was replaying in mind since morning when Sid finally decided to show up after being late for three hours no less. "I am so sorry P, Abheer was not feeling well so I just couldn't let him leave like that." Sid thought I was mad at him but in reality I was just trying to process what Vihang said in the canteen.

 I chose not tell Sid anything about Aryan's call or the canteen incident from the morning because I could see how happy he was after meeting Abheer, though they met almost every day but Abheer was on a holiday with his family. They would never approve of Abheer's life choices so he didn't tell them about Sid. They couldn't contact each other at all which was a great deal for them. "it's alright Sid you don't have explain me. I know you two love birds met after what must be eternity for you guys." Sid blushed and tried to hide his smile.

I had to attend most of the classes without Sid which was exhausting because everyone in the class was talking to me about the exact topic I wanted to avoid so I decided to bunk the last two classes when Sid texted that he was on his way.

 "Why are you so grumpy then? Did something happen? Did someone said something to you? Tell me P whose ass do I have kick" Sid was the most non-violent boy I have ever met so the idea of him being in a fight made me laugh a little. "Relax iron man you don't have to kick anyone's ass. I am just exhausted from the classes and everyone's fake sympathy." I sort of lied to my best friend but eventually I would tell him about last night and the morning incident. Right now I just wanted to be someplace where nobody knew me or the fact that I had a bad breakup.

"Hey Panchi, how are you?" Yashika asked hugging me. She was one of my friends from the theater club. She continued before I could respond. "I heard what happened, you know I never told you but Aryan kind of tried to hit on me many times when he came to pick you up but I didn't really wanted to interfere in your relationship, you know." She said being all sympathetic. I managed to give her a fake smile because this was not the first time someone told me this about my ex-boyfriend. 

I opened my mouth to say something but Sid spoke before me. "Well if you really considered Panchi as your friend you should have interfered in her relationship and told her the truth Yashika." Sid said politely. This was his best and worst quality,he always said whatever he felt without thinking about the other person. In situations like these I knew I could always count on him. "I uh, I didn't want to be that girl, you know the one who ruins relations." Yashika said defending herself and honestly I started to feel bad for her.

 "Oh Yashika you were being so thoughtful. By the way how's your brother? I heard he was caught by the police at some shady hotel, you know you should really get him tested for STD's." Sid said in his usual sarcastic tone. I held back a snort. Yashika's face turned red from anger on Sid's comment. "That's just a rumor." She said giving Sid an angry stare. "Anyways bye Panchi, take care, and see you at rehearsal next week." She said turning to me and left before I could reply. "Bye Yashika." Sid screamed but she ignored him and walked straight towards the exit without turning back.

After she was out of earshot we both saw each other and started laughing. I laughed so hard that I didn't even realize when tears started rolling down my eyes and in no time I was crying. I was tired of crying but apparently my tears were not tired of me. "Oh honey don't cry over idiots, they are not even worth a drop of your tears." Sid hugged me and tried to calm me down.

 "C'mon P tell me do you want me to kick her ass. Because I will do it but only for you. Not even Abheer gets this offer" I laughed a little then wiped my tears and hugged Sid even tighter. "Um P there's just one problem though I don't know how to fight." He said while hugging me and we both laughed again. "I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for being my best friend Sid."

 Sid was truly my best friend. I had friends in school but I never shared a bond like with anyone before. "Well I know what you can do with me." I gave him a dirty look and he frowned. "Get your mind out of the gutter I have a boyfriend." He said and I laughed."I mean let's go shopping. You know that famous saying shopping is the best medicine." He said smiling like a happy dog. I rolled my eyes and laughed again.

 "It's laughter not shopping idiot. But I think right now I can use both of these medicines." Just as I said that he held my hand like a kid and started walking. "Oh you know we can also go to a saloon and get you a nice haircut and then we'll get your nails done and then we'll buy you a pretty dress." He kept increasing his list excitedly like a little kid.

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