Ch. 4

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Not long after they'd arrived, Kaiden had everyone's accommodations sorted. The spare bedroom now sported a twin bed and some light furnishings that it had been lacking the last time Sean had been there. It was pretty neutral. Just grays and whites as it passed to whoever was staying the night. Normally, that was Karla or Nate, but for now, it was claimed by Anna, who everyone agreed probably deserved the privacy. Trevor had taken up the living room couch because in cat form it was a pretty decent bed and in his own words "You can take a cat nap anywhere."

With the other two getting settled, Kaiden was carrying the last bag of Sean's things into his bedroom. After he'd sat down on an old trunk, Kaiden tossed his bedroom door shut nonchalantly as he passed it on his way to the en-suite bathroom. The door swung softly closed, too gently for it to actually latch, but it was enough privacy for now.

"Hey, you about ready?" Kaiden wondered, as he eased the bathroom door open after giving it a two knuckled warning tap. Sean was fussing with his hair, which Kaiden thought looked great, but it was cute how he was putting so much effort into how he looked. They were just going to a bar and grill, it wasn't exactly the sort of place that anyone dressed up for, but that was what Kaiden liked about Sean. He put effort into things; not because he had to, but because he wanted to.

"Yeah." Sean gave Kaid an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to take so long." He flipped off the bathroom light, resting his arms on Kaiden's shoulders as he looked up at him. "Just didn't wanna get to Slade's bar looking like I've been in a car all day," he laughed.

"Nah, you look perfect," Kaiden murmured as he leaned down and pressed his lips to Sean's.

Sean felt his face flush. He'd honestly thought it was a little chilly in Kaid's house, but he felt plenty warm now. He'd forgotten how simple it was for his wolf to get that kind of reaction out of him. That excitement, and burst of confidence, and contentness that drew him to Kaid in the first place. He returned Kaiden's kiss, letting his eyes flutter closed for a moment before replying, "You look incredibly handsome."

Kaiden grinned as he pulled back. "Keep flattering me and I'll wanna just stay here," he teased as he glanced at the bed and then back at Sean.

"You guys ready yet?" Trevor's voice echoed from the hall, making it clear that they had burned through what was an appropriate amount of time to get ready. "Let's gooo!"

Kaiden let out a small huff before lifting his head and calling back.

"Yup, just looking for my keys!"

"Yeah yeah, well they ain't in Sean's mouth, they out here on the table." Trevor called back.

Sean was in the middle of stealing one more kiss, but Trevor made him laugh against Kaid's lips. "Okay, okay!"

"We'll revisit this conversation later," Kaiden assured in a suggestive whisper before they left his room and joined the other two. But as they were going through the garage and loading into Kaiden's black SUV, Sean Noticed another new addition. A sleek looking motorcycle sat along the back wall. Apparently Kaiden shared his father's love for bikes, just not his style of bike.

Before long they arrived at the Strayed Bar and Grill. It was almost completely alone on the two lane highway, its only companion, a small gas station beside it, which Sean vaguely remembered Kaiden bringing him to a while back.

Slade's bar was the last stop between town and a particularly long stretch of open highway, so it saw mostly bikers, truck drivers, assorted other travelers sprinkled in and most of all, young wolves. The bar was a stepping stone between the ranch and the outside world for them, it had all the freedom of being outside their official territory without being completely within the humans' domain.

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