Ch. 30

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The gray, cold day was instantly banished by the brightly lit and warm interior of the main events room when Sean, Kaid, Anna, and Trevor, arrived at the convention center for Karla's party. Colorful streamers and balloons matched the plastic tablecloths and 'Happy Birthday' banners, and the space was filled with music, adults chatting and laughing, and a hoard of pups that raced around the space like a herd of wild buffalo, some in their wolf forms, some not.

Nostalgia hit Sean hard. He could remember birthday parties from when he and Trevor were around their age. It was a great age for it. You were old enough that you had friends and knew what you enjoyed, but young enough that toys and playing pretend were still cool. At that age, birthdays were one of the most exciting things that could happen besides major holidays or summer break.

Sean couldn't help the wide smile on his face or the giddy excitement that tingled his nerves.

Anna nudged Kaiden. "You helped set all of this up?"

"Yeah. It took us a few hours, but it came out pretty nice," Kaid said with a lopsided grin.

"It looks great," Anna praised.

"Where should we set these?" Trevor held up the gift bag in his hand for emphasis.

Sean was holding a neatly wrapped box. He'd had a blast the night before, egging Trevor on about that one year, when Trev had gotten in an intense battle with a particularly unruly roll of scotch tape. He'd not insisted on helping Sean wrap Yule gifts since, but they still both got a good hard laugh at the memory every time it resurfaced.

"Oh—we set up a table for that over here," Kaid said. "C'mon, I'll show you."

"Man, it looks like the whole pack is here! Woah-" Trevor suddenly had to lift a leg and lean into Anna to dodge a speeding pup. "-oooohh!! Sean, look!! A piñata!!"

"Oh my gods, it's a unicorn," Sean gasped. "That's adorable!"

"They gotta unicorn piñata! Bro, this party is dope!"

Sean and Trevors' giggling melded right in with the rest of the chattering, and they soon split off from Anna and Kaid to check out the spread of food laid out. Down at the end, near the cookies, cupcakes, and brownies, Sean spotted Nate, but before he got to him, an excited pup jumped in front of him.

"You guys are here!!" Karla squealed, capturing Sean in a tight hug.

"Hey! Happy birthday, kiddo," Sean laughed, returning her hug before she pulled away and tipped her witch hat back into place.

"Thank you!" Karla said, beaming, and clasping her hands together. "I keep forgetting you're so tall as a person!" she then added, gazing up at Trevor, and holding her arms out to give him a hug as well.

"Thanks," Trevor laughed, leaning down to hug her. "The view's definitely better from up here!" he added, resting one arm on Sean's shoulder and shading his eyes with the other to peer around the room for comedic effect.

Karla ate it up. The birthday girl was the embodiment of pure happiness. The dark color of the witch hat perched on her head didn't really match her peachy-pink princess dress, but she rocked the look anyway, and Sean couldn't help but feel a little flattered that she enjoyed the hat enough to want to wear it at her party.

"Daaaang, hold on," Trevor said, hunching forward and squinting at her. "Did Anna do your hair or something?"

"Oh!" Karla pulled off her hat. "I forgot because I was in my wolf form, but no! My dad did it! Isn't it pretty!"

Both Trevor and Sean shared a genuinely impressed grin.

"He laid your edges and everything?" Sean asked.

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