Ch. 34

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For some reason, Dakota wasn't who Kaiden had been expecting when he answered his front door. The alpha usually called or texted before coming over, and he hadn't mentioned any meetings today.

"Hey, come in! Something going on?"

"Not exactly," Dakota replied, briefly sweeping his fingers through his hair. "Was hoping to talk to Sean."

A grin immediately shaped Kaiden's lips, and Dakota rolled his eyes, smirking, despite himself. "Don't," he said, chuckling when Kaid's smile widened and he held up his hands innocently.

"Don't what? I didn't say anything."

Dakota stepped inside, moving out of Kaiden's way so that he could close the door. "You're gonna make me more nervous than I already..." the alpha paused, glancing around. Sean's light, woody, herbal scent was present, but- "He's not here..."

Kaiden laughed, and gave his uncle an apologetic, "Yeeeaaah...Your timing for stuff like this is kinda..."

"Fuckin' awful?" Dakota finished for him with a half laugh as his posture relaxed. "Where'd he get to, then?"

Kaiden itched his chin. "Anna said he was going into town."

"By himself?" The concern and protectiveness that had immediately flared into Dakota's tone didn't escape Kaiden unnoticed.

"Yeah, I wasn't crazy about it either," Kaid admitted, "but he really wanted to go by himself, and I was kinda overridden."

"Overridden?" Dakota huffed, in an exasperated voice.

The beta shrugged. "What can I say, the witches are convincing... Wanna go get some lunch?"

Dakota sighed, but it turned into a snicker as he shook his head. "Sure."

When Tamia returned to the dining room, she had a basket of things with her

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When Tamia returned to the dining room, she had a basket of things with her. Salt, a sphere of snowflake obsidian, a few small tapers...but there were also things he hadn't necessarily expected—a bright yellow lemon, fresh clipped juniper stems dotted with pale plump berries, some old pennies, a little brass bell...

"...What kind of spellwork are we doing?" Sean wondered, a bit of anxiety turning in his stomach again along with the building anticipation.

"Well, I intend to go about this in a similar way that it was done for me. As an unbinding ritual of sorts," Tamia said, arranging the things the way she wanted them. Then she stopped, and looked closely at Sean, almost like she was looking for something. "I should've asked you to bring this while we were on the phone, but do you have anything with you that you strongly associate with a lot of happy, positive energy? There's a strong chance that you will trigger your sight, or a vision, as you were calling it, during this process. It would be best to give yourself the strongest chance for your first clear one, as an oracle, to be a pleasant experience."

Sean thought for a moment, then leaned to pull out Anna's keys, but stopped. A very specific thing popped into his mind instead—right at the front of his thoughts.

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