Ch. 32

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Dakota swapped his phone to his other hand so he could get lower to the smooth linoleum tile in his tiny, open kitchen.

"There's no need for Kaiden to come too," Rose said from the other end of the line, causing Dakota to pause in his attempt to retrieve the fork he'd dropped. The damn thing had hit the floor at just the right angle to slide under the stove... "It's not an official matter."

The redhead's confusion was evident in his voice when he replied. "But didn't you say this was about the ceremony?"

"It is..."

Something sharp on the underside of the stove caught Dakota's hand, and he winced as he pulled it out to inspect the scrape. It was around noon now, so the cut would be gone by the end of the day. "Theeeennn, what's this about?"

"We'll talk about it when you get here."

"Why can't you just tell me now?"

There was a sigh from the receiver. "I won't be there."

Dakota's brows pinched together. "You have to be...the whole pack does. It's always been that way."

"And I've always had my husband there with me." A stretch of silence passed. "Dakota?"


"I'm not going. It's more than I can handle. And I'm not doing it. I don't have it in me. Mrs. Silver will fill in."


"Don't try to argue with me about this. I've made up my mind."

"It's not gonna make him being gone hurt less..." Dakota said so softly at first that he wasn't even sure if she'd heard him. He was sitting with his back against the stove now, fork forgotten, with the narrow kitchen island blocking his view of most of his house... More silence followed. "I'm sorry, Rose..."

For a minute, he thought she might have already hung up, and he checked the screen of his cell to see the timer continuing to count the seconds and minutes of their call.

"I am, too."

"You didn't-"

"You were really young, Dakota... I know how entrancing Travis was. I know how handsome and kind but also manipulative he was." Her voice cracked. "Will you forgive me too? ...Please?"

Dakota jumped when Karla came, bursting inside.

"Daaaad! Do we have any popsicles?"

Dakota cleared his throat. "It's, like, 34 degrees out."

The pup tilted her head. "Why are you on the floor?"

"I'm on the phone."

"Oh. Hi, whoever~!"

Dakota waited until Karla had skipped off toward her room to speak again. "...Of course I forgive you, but you gotta come to the ceremony."


"The pack needs us... And it would make Slade really happy to see you there."


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