Ch. 25

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The alpha's face was beet red, and he'd completely given up trying to look even semi-distracted by the pick-up information about his orders on his phone. "...Are you actually serious? Cuz sometimes people exploring could mean something intimate..."   

"Intimacy? Gross," Kaiden teased, despite his own self-reported sluttiness, causing Dakota to chuff and roll his eyes while they sped around a minivan that was probably going the speed limit. Kaiden felt like they were doing at least ten under. "But yeah," the beta's tone took on a more serious quality. "You deserve to have a real relationship..." He truly wanted that for his uncle, whether it was with Sean or someone else.

Dakota's expression sobered some. A real relationship...?

Kaid had been absolutely right when he'd described love, actual love, as being scary. Hell, even just talking about the prospect was making Dakota anxious; like he needed to stretch his legs, or shift, or run, or something... Anything to detract from or relieve the feelings that thinking of Sean stirred in him. "Well," Dakota cleared his throat. "Uhm... Thanks, Kaid... I'll keep that in mind... Also, thanks for making me nervous for a ceremony I hadn't been nervous over ten minutes ago."

That got a laugh out of Kaid, and Dakota couldn't help but snicker a little at his own expense as well, before asking, "What are your plans for that night, anyway? I'd figured you and Sean would want out while you're not on door duty."  

"I mean, that was my original plan. Then Sean asked if I ever planned on kids, and I realized I'd always seen myself being a dad someday... So, then I thought maybe I'd throw out a few proposals to Rose for her endorsement. That the whole thing with Gabe happened, and I realized something..." Kaiden took the exit ramp off the highway and into town. "Rose isn't going to endorse me... She doesn't even want Anna staying with me."

"Rose isn't the only one who gets to decide things," Dakota reminded. He wasn't surprised at all by Kaiden's claim of wanting to be a father. Kaid was Slade's kid. No one in the pack had stronger paternal instincts than his brother. And, for all the regrets that Dakota did have; being a father wasn't at all one of them. He could never imagine Kaid regretting fatherhood either. "...Think we can get a drum kit into the back?"

"Maybe?" Kaiden said with a confused look. "Wait, where are we going?"

"Costco," Dakota replied, looking over at Kaid.

"And anyway, they'll all just ask me the same question that Rose would ask. Why aren't I with Haze?"

"Was she not one of the girls you planned to approach?"

"I can't, she wants me to leave Sean. Honestly, I don't believe that she'd be my mate even if I left him... I think it's more about her not getting her way than love."

Dakota ran a hand through his post-workout hair, trying to tame it. "Then if Rose gives you any trouble about Hazel, tell her that. You're Beta. You have plenty of authoritative weight. She might not like what you have to say, but she's not gonna blow it off either."

"Hah! Are you insane? That'd just be awkward and weird! Even worse, if she brought up what happened at the party." Kaiden shook his head. "Nope. No way. I'm not talking to Hazel's mom about our relationship."

"...What happened at the party?"

What happened at the party?"

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