Ch. 8

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It was just about noon by the time almost everyone the alpha had called for had arrived at his place. Dakota was only half participating in a conversation between himself, Slade, and Byron, while the rest of his attention was on the lunch he was fixing.

Karla was playing in what little snow they'd gotten just outside. Kaiden was nearby, keeping a watchful eye on his half-sister and resembling a large canine shadow, though he wasn't allowed to just watch for long. Karla tackled the larger wolf and pulled him into playing with her. They were in the middle of jaw sparing when something caught the Beta's attention and he got to his feet.

"Hey, Kaid," Nate said casually as he came out of the pines and into view of Dakota's house.

Before Karla could lunge at him again, Kaiden shifted, catching the wolf pup and holding her under one arm as she wriggled and thrashed to be let free. "Hey. Have you seen Sean yet?" Kaiden wondered in an equally laid back tone.

"Yeah, just came from your place," Nate replied, pointing a thumb back over his shoulder.

For a moment, the two cousins stood there sizing each other up, until Karla's teeth found skin and snapped down hard enough to get Kaiden to release her.

"Ah!" Kaiden hissed. "Damn, Karla!"

"You were cheating!" Karla retorted immediately upon shifting back herself. "Hi, Nate!"

Inside, Dakota caught a glimpse of Nate with Kaid. "There's four..." he thought out loud, prompting his brother to turn to look. In truth, he was a little surprised that Nate wasn't the last to show. Things hadn't felt like they'd gotten any worse between them, but they hadn't exactly gotten better either.

"Hi, Fuzzball," Nate greeted before looking back at Kaiden. "She has a point."

"I'm allowed," Kaiden defended.

"So what's this all about?"

"Gabriel wants back in the pack," Kaiden said reluctantly.

"Didn't you break his arm? Sheesh. Talk about not getting a clue..."

"Maybe you should break the other one, then," Karla suggested as though she were implying something as harmless as Kaid picking one shirt over another.

Kaiden looked slightly mortified by Karla's suggestion and rubbed a hand across his face, to hide the small smile that was threatening to slip through, before glaring at Nate, who was just nodding indifferently.

"What?" Nate said. "You want me to tell you she's wrong? What does Gabriel really think is going to happen? We already got more males than females as it is. There's nothing for him here. Even Karla's pea brain can figure that out."

"I'll bite you too!" Karla threatened, but before Kaid could reply, all three heard a knocking against the window from inside.

Dakota was peering out from between some of the Thanksgiving decorations and, once he had their attention, motioned for them to come inside.

Dakota was peering out from between some of the Thanksgiving decorations and, once he had their attention, motioned for them to come inside

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