Ch. 13

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Nate wouldn't allow himself—or more importantly Axel—to bask in the afterglow. Not with Rex and Slade still in the trailer, and not when he was still unsure of what they actually were to each other.

As Nate stepped into the lukewarm shower, he still wasn't sure where he and Axel stood. Whatever there was between them didn't feel like they were boyfriends, but then again, he couldn't say that he'd felt he and Sean were ever boyfriends either. As the water pounded against his shoulders and head, it began to warm up filling the bathroom with steam.

Maybe the problem was that he didn't know how having a boyfriend should feel, so they always felt wrong. He'd seen plenty of other relationships go south so easily. Slade was taken advantage of by women, Dakota couldn't even get a mate. His own father had been out of the picture until recently. Maybe he was just doomed to carry on the family tradition. Maybe he never stood a chance of having a normal relationship.

Suddenly, the shower head sputtered and Nate jolted out of his thoughts.

"REX!" Nate's shout echoed through the thin walls of the trailer.

"S-sorry!" Rex yelped back in return as he turned off the kitchen faucet.

Nate rolled his eyes to himself and finished up his shower as quickly as possible before anything else could happen.

By the time he'd dressed and returned to his room, he found Axel gone. Nate made a slight face and then checked the living room, but his heart sank when all he found was Rex and Marcus playing an old video game on the TV.

"Oh. Hey, Nate, sorry about that. I didn't realize you were in the shower," Rex said, assuming that Nate had come to snap at him, which Nate was all too happy to oblige.

"How could you NOT hear the fucking shower?"

"Well, I just...ya know—I don't know," Rex shrugged helplessly.

Watching Rex struggle to apologize didn't make Nate feel any better, though. He knew this wasn't about the shower, even if Rex didn't. The only thing upsetting him at that moment was that Axel had just left without a word. He felt the ache in chest grow. Was it because he'd taken the shower? Washed Axel's scent off of himself—had he taken offense? Or was he just more invested in Axel than Axel was in him?

"I'm sorry."

"Huh?" Nate snapped out of the downward spiral of thoughts as he looked at Rex and Marcus who were now staring at him. He couldn't imagine what type of face he was making, but could feel the scowl lines on his forehead. "Just listen next time," he murmured as he headed to the front door and left.

This wasn't how things were supposed to be going, but Sean knew he couldn't press Anna

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This wasn't how things were supposed to be going, but Sean knew he couldn't press Anna. She was very pissed off at him, clearly, but they were family, and she really was one of the most understanding and supportive people he knew... As she and Trevor left the house, he had to just keep reassuring himself that they really were just running to the gas station, and that they'd be back.

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