Ch. 28 (Mature Content, 18+)

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Sean spent a minute just gazing at his wolf. "I really did miss you...a lot."

"Me too..." came Nate's soft reply, almost as if he were afraid to disturb the silence surrounding them. "I'm sorry..." he said after another long silent moment, however the change in Sean's expression made him quickly add, "For Axel, I mean."

"Oh!" Sean shook his head. "It's okay. Nothing to apologize for. I figured this is all gonna be a little weird to get used to at first... Kaid hitting on Anna so quickly kinda surprised me," he said, motioning to the spot where his cousin had been.

"Not surprising. Kaid's never had a problem sharing. I'm more surprised he gave up Hazel..."

"Between us, I think she kinda screwed herself. You can only dangle the carrot for so long," Sean said, scooting closer and arranging his legs into a more comfortable position. "There's gotta be a point where there's just no way the payoff could satisfy the expectations caused by the build up...right?"

"Yeah, I guess so... But his intentions seemed pretty clear, he scent marked all of you by having you stay with him," Nate pointed out. A smile crept into his features as the realization came to him. "Of course...two can play that game," Nate said as his gaze drifted to the end of the hall where the master bedroom was, before looking back at Sean.

Sean couldn't help the grin that turned his own lips upwards. "You're terrible," he said, even as he got up and pulled his hoodie off over his head, stopping part way to the hall. "You coming?"

Nate trailed behind after his witch, shutting the door to the bedroom after himself. Then he pulled his phone out of his pocket and put it on silent before tossing it aside, removing his own hoodie, and the shirt that refused to be easily separated from it.

As soon as Nate's hoodie and shirt had come off, Sean could feel the warmth they'd been trapping radiating from Nate's toned torso and arms. It was easy to forget sometimes that even though Kaid was taller than Nate, the younger of the two was built thicker. Nate's waist didn't narrow as much towards his hips, but the 'v' carved by his muscles dipping beneath the waistband of his skinny jeans was impossible not to look at, or touch. Sean's hands didn't stop there, though. One slid lower, unbuckling Nate's belt while the other traveled up the wolf's lower back.

Nate widened his stance as if to steady himself against a fast-moving current, as he revealed in the way Sean's touch tingled across his skin. He kissed his witch's neck, just below his ears, and then worked his way down, nuzzling, kissing, and occasionally nipping—retaking his claim.

Sean shivered, delighting in every press of Nate's lips, and gentle scrape of his teeth. The fact that they were in Kaid's bedroom too, essentially being ornery, just added to the thrill. It was like they were doing something they weren't supposed to, only, since he knew they had Kaiden's permission, and Kaid was currently on a date himself, Sean could actually enjoy it.

Pulling back from Nate, Sean unbuttoned and discarded his own skinny jeans, leaving himself in his t-shirt, boxer briefs, and socks. His arousal was almost embarrassingly apparent as he sat on the bed, leaning back a little while gazing up at Nate. "Could I ask you something real quick?" he wondered.

Nate had already stepped out of his jeans and had one knee on the bed when he answered. "Go for it."

"Is that where Axel claimed you?" For some reason Sean had kind of expected that Nate would have a mark or something on his neck or shoulder, and there it was... A scar, barely noticeable on Nate's pale skin, but there nonetheless. He wasn't sure why he'd looked there for it. It wasn't like they were vampires or something silly like that. No one had said that area was where wolves claimed each other, but he was curious, though.

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