Ch. 7

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When Kaiden pulled into Dakota's drive he was so wrapped up in how he was going to explain his concerns to the alpha that he didn't even remember the drive over, getting out of his car, or knocking on the front door. It wasn't until Dakota opened it that Kaiden snapped out of his thoughts.

"We need to talk about Gabriel Westcott," Kaiden said, before even a good morning or being invited in.

"Uh..." Dakota tilted his head, and clicked his tongue. "Right, well, about that..." he trailed off, opening the door wider.

"Hey, Kaid," came a voice from just inside Dakota's living room, which was in direct line of sight from the door, considering the small size of Dakota's house and the mostly open, cabin-like layout.

Gabriel was sitting on the couch, casually waving at him.

Alarm and confusion flashed across the beta's face as he stared at his Uncle. He wanted to ask why Gabriel was there; what he was doing in Dakota's house, but it didn't feel right with how casual—some might even say pleasant—Gabriel was being, especially to him.

"Hi," Kaiden said back, finally finding his voice before glancing back at Dakota for some direction.

Dakota picked up on Kaiden's discomfort easily enough. "Come in, Kaid," he welcomed, motioning for emphasis. "Gabriel was just leaving."

"Right," Gabriel said, standing, and saunting towards the door. He gave Kaiden a smile that seemed just on the edge of strained before looking past him at Dakota. "How soon can I expect to hear something?" he asked as he collected his coat from one of the three hooks on the wall right next to the door.

"Like I said, I'll need to speak with Kaid and the others first," Dakota reiterated.

Gabriel nodded as he shrugged on his coat. "Cool. Right, well, see ya."

The alpha nodded in acknowledgment as Gabriel went out, and closed the door behind him. "Is there something about me or my place that screams, 'Hey, show up whenever the fuck you like!', Kaid?" Dakota asked as he stepped into his tiny kitchen to grab a bottle of water out of his fridge, pinching the freckled bridge of his nose. "I swear, people didn't just show up at Travis's house, uninvited, as often as they do at mine."

"Sorry," Kiaden gave him an apologetic smile.

"You don't count. You're my beta. You got a pass."

"Maybe it's because people feel more comfortable around you than they did with Travis."

Dakota snorted. He highly doubted that. When he was Travis's beta, he'd been an enforcer, and it had felt like everyone always wanted to kill the messenger.

Kaiden was watching his words and tone carefully. Travis could be a touchy subject for Dakota. But he couldn't ignore why he was there. "What did Gabe want?"

"To rejoin the pack," Dakota said nonchalantly. "Want anything?" he added, before closing the refrigerator.

"Uh, no thanks. So, he's not upset about what happened?" Kaiden looked even more confused.

"About you breaking his arm? I guess not enough to keep him from wanting back in."

"Are you going to let him?"

Dakota pulled one of the stools out from the kitchen island and sat down. "That depends on what you and the others think. I figured we'd get Byron over here, Slade, Nate, and Axel... Talk it over. Unless it's already a hard 'no' from you."

"Me? No, I mean he left on his own so he can come back on his own... I'm just surprised, is all," Kaiden said as pushed his long dark hair back over his shoulder.

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