Ch. 35

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By the time Sean was three quarters of the way back to the ranch, he was really grateful for the tea, and that he'd chosen something with caffeine on his way to Tamia's, because the exhaustion she'd mentioned definitely hit. But he could still focus on the road, at least, and he was eager to get back.

"...Who's cars are those?" he mumbled to himself just after taking the turn off onto the dirt road that led onto pack land. There were three vehicles parked off in the tall grass facing the tree line. He was pretty sure they weren't technically on the ranch, but it was a weird spot to see cars, and he was pretty sure he'd have noticed them earlier if they'd been there when he'd left...

As he rolled by, he tried to make a mental note of what kind of vehicles they were, and what color so that he could ask Kaid about them.

When Sean got inside the house, Kaid and Dakota were in the living room.

The witch smirked as he observed the take-out boxes and empty cans of energy drinks spread out on the coffee table, and the wireless controllers in their hands.

"Heeey! Welcome back!" Kaid greeted.

"You two look like you've had a rough day," Sean teased. "Anna and Trev?"

"Out." Kaid replied. "I think Trevor's with Nate and Axel."

"I see," Sean replied, then spent a moment after that just admiring the two wolves. They were both so handsome, and in different ways. But even better was that they looked comfortable and were having the kind of down time he really hadn't seen either of them enjoying much.

It reminded him of the vision he'd had at Tamia's.

Kaiden was the first to 'break the spell' of the moment, setting down his controller and hopping up from the couch. "Are you hungry? I don't think we demolished all of it yet..."

Sean chuckled. "I'm good for now."

"Great. Join us, then?"

"Actually, can we talk alone for a second?" Dakota asked, as he sat down his controller next to Kaid's.

"Me not being the one bugging you for once?" Sean laughed. "I'm down."

"I'll give you two a few minutes," Kaid said, giving Sean a wink as he picked up his drink and headed towards the bedroom, slurping down some more of what looked like a large Baja Blast. "No un-pausing until I get back though!"

Dakota snorted and shook his head.

"So..." Sean said, taking a seat next to the alpha and wiping his palms on his jeans. "Is this" Sean asked. He was in a good place with Kaiden and Nate. They were communicating better than they ever had, their future was looking incredible...and he wanted to get this last thing out of the dark... Off his chest.

That effortless smirk appeared on Dakota's lips as he rested his elbow on the back of the couch. "Yeah."

Sean nodded, then took a deep breath, bracing himself. "I'm attracted to you."

"I kinda figured," Dakota replied easily, and Sean wondered if the wolf could hear his pulse racing.

"Kaid and Nate are gonna claim me soon, and if they're comfortable with it, then I'd really like all three of you to-"

"Hold on," Dakota said, huffing out a laugh when Sean's eyes widened to the size of saucers and his cheeks flushed a bright red.

"Look, I don't wanna rush...anything between us... Yeah, I talked to Kaid and Nate about how I feel about you because they have marks on you, but I can't fucking express enough how much I want all three of you to take actual claiming and mate bonds seriously," Dakota explained. "I've lost a mate I was bonded to. Kaid and Nate haven't. And I hope they go a very long time before either of them do, and knows what that feels like."

Wolf & Witch III: Oracle's PathWhere stories live. Discover now