Ch. 31

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"You've got to be shitting me! I KNEW it!" Nate barked before Kaiden stuffed a pink and teal unicorn-themed cupcake right into Nate's mouth to keep him from drawing too much attention away from the birthday girl.

"Language," Kaiden tutted while his cousin tried his best to still look angry while wrestling with whether to spit or swallow. Ultimately, he settled for the former, expelling the mangled mess of sugar and food coloring into an equally bright napkin.

Dakota rolled his eyes, but still couldn't quite stifle a chuckle. "You didn't know shit," he said in a lighthearted tone. "And there wasn't much to know. We like each other. Hasn't gone beyond that."

"So you finally talked to Sean?" Kaiden wondered.

"Finally? Who's next? Why not just-" Nate cut himself short as Kaiden's hand reached for another cupcake, and he took a step away from him. "I swear I'll bite you if you pull that again."

"Just making sure it stays PG, that's all," Kaiden said casually as he took a bite of the cupcake, as if to prove that Nate had nothing to fear.

"No, but I will," Dakota answered, now that Nate seemed like he wasn't going to interrupt again. "Before the ceremony. Need to talk to Rose too, actually."

Kaiden quirked a brow. It wasn't unusual for Dakota and Rose to talk. As the two alphas it was unavoidable. However, it had caught the beta's attention for the simple fact that it didn't sound like Dakota meant a formal meeting. "Like, about the ceremony? Should I tag along?"

"You can. I'll shoot you a text or something once I have a time nailed down."

Axel made eye contact with Nate from across the room, and the pull felt almost like a magnet. He motioned for Nate to come over and join him, Xavier, and Miguel, and once Nate did, he threw an arm over his mate's shoulders. "What were they talking about?" Axel wondered casually, glancing back over his shoulder at the alpha and beta.

Meanwhile, Trevor and Sean had found themselves included in the game the pups were currently playing, which seemed to be their own version of freeze tag, with Rex the Dragon, being 'it'. Trevor had shifted into his cat form, which Sean felt was totally understandable, but also kinda cheat-y, and he himself was actually one of the first to get tagged when Rex managed to juke him surprisingly well. Sean blamed the wobbly nature of the inflatable suit.

"So, I just sit here now until one of the pups comes and tags me or uses a 'freeing spell' on me, right?" Sean asked, trying to recall the rules Karla and one of the other older pups had rattled off, pointing at the spot where he'd now 'frozen'.

"Oh, no. You're a big catch, so you're coming to the tower!" Rex said, doing his best with the comically small arms and his limited vision, to usher Sean towards the castle-themed play fort.

Once Sean crawled inside, he scooted over to one of the windows, to peer out. It was actually a pretty impressive set up. While the castle part was mostly a false front constructed of shaped and painted plywood, kind of like a medieval version of those old west buildings, the rest behind it was essentially the coolest blanket fort he'd ever seen.

Kaid and Dakota had apparently used tables on their sides to construct the walls, and had strung across multiple sheets and blankets to create the ceiling. They'd even strung up some fairy lights on the inside.

"Muahaha!! I've captured a witch!" Rex proclaimed, to which Sean heard a few dramatic gasps from the children that were in their human form.

"I'll save you Sean!" Karla said, rushing forward with her foam sword, only to squeal and dodge away when Rex took a "swipe" at her with his tail.

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