Ch. 33

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Sean typed in the number Travis had neatly penned next to Tamia's name, but then his fingers froze in place, his anxiety peeking just from hovering his thumb over the green icon to start the call.

Did he really wanna do this? What would be the point? What if she didn't want to be bothered? Or found? What would he even say? What would he even do with any information he learned from talking to her?

Honestly, Sean really didn't know why he'd felt so compelled to dig into all of this...and he nearly backed out of the screen. Maybe it was because even though it felt like he was finally achieving harmony and balance with his relationships, his sense of self was still...damaged.

Sure, Trevor and him had talked about what they'd do with their lives once he'd found a way to get Trev his body back, but Sean had never actually thought that far into them. He didn't want to plan his future before knowing whether or not he could save Trevor's... But now, thanks to Tobias, Trevor had a body again. And Sean was a witch with a blank grimoire, strange sporadic visions he didn't know the cause of, and the rest of his life ahead of him, trying to grasp what he should do next...

Sean sucked in a breath, and tapped the call button.

It rang... He got up from Kaid's bed and paced the span of the room. It rang a few more times, and he considered hanging up.

But then, a woman answered. "Hello, Keys residence." It was her voice...the very same from the one he'd heard in his vision of the mystery witch and Travis in the barn.

"H-Hi..." Sean stammered.


"Yes, Um. Hi." His pulse was racing. "I'm sorry to bother you. I was...I was calling for Tamia Keys?"

"That's me, dear," she said in a friendly tone. "Who am I speaking with?"

"My name's Sean... Sean Brooks."

"Oh! Sean. Do you have a place to write something down?"

"Um..." Sean looked around the bedroom, spotting the new journal he'd bought as a replacement grimoire. "Yeah, just a second. Just need to grab a pen... Okay, yeah."

Tamia gave him an address.

"Come when you can, but come alone if possible."

Sean had been driving for about thirty five minutes when he took a turn off onto a street that eventually transitioned into a long dirt driveway that snaked between tightly grouped pines

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Sean had been driving for about thirty five minutes when he took a turn off onto a street that eventually transitioned into a long dirt driveway that snaked between tightly grouped pines.

His stomach was doing flips, and the burger and frappe he'd stopped for on the way wasn't settling well. He regretted not telling anyone that he was doing this. Anna thought he was borrowing her car to drive into town to do some shopping and have some time to himself—trying to be a little more independent and such...

Well, he certainly felt like he was being independent now... Independently stupid.

The road was so narrow that he probably couldn't turn the small SUV around if he wanted to, so he really had no choice now but to follow it to its end, and hope he wasn't headed straight towards his own.

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