Ch. 21

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Anna stood, picking up her bag. "Wait, there's shops by the community center?" she asked, before looking at Chloe; wondering if she was aware too.

"They're easy to miss," Hazel explained, slipping on a cute pair of wedge boots. They look like part of the building, because of the new construction since the fire, but I'll show you."

True to Haze's word, when the girls arrived at the community center, there was indeed a little line of shop fronts along the back side. Apparently the pack calling their home "The Ranch" wasn't inaccurate. Xavier's family had a small fresh produce market that Hazel explained was mostly made up of things grown in the fields. Next to it, was a bakery, and next to that was what looked like a small office.

"What's that one?" Chloe wondered.

"Alpha's Account, if you need anything–car repairs, new home, extra cash, just go there, Byron handles the rest."

"I will never not be stunned by that," Anna said.

"By what?"

The witch looked at the blonde. "You know that financial domination is, like, some people's kink, right?"

"Pffft-" A genuine laugh spilled from Hazel's pink lips. "It's just the best way for the pack to handle finances."

"Best way for a lotta people ta have a sugar daddy," Anna teased, before spotting a vacant window. "What's in this one?"

"That's what I wanted to show you!" Hazel said, grabbing Chloe's forearm and pulling her closer to where Anna stood, cupping her hands around her eyes to peer into the dark interior easier.

"Looks empty," Anna said.

"It is."

Anna suddenly whipped around so quickly that some of her braids thudded against the window. But rather than express her excitement, her gaze set squarely on a car that had pulled up, and was now parking right next to hers–the only other vehicle in the lot.

Chloe turned too, just as a handsome man with blonde curls exited the vehicle and started towards them.

"Hunk alert, twelve o'clock!" Chloe chimed.

"That's Gabriel," Hazel said under her breath before shading her eyes and smiling as she called out to him. "Hey! What's up?"

Anna didn't smile right away. She remembered hearing that name.

"Hey," Gabriel greeted, looking at each of the girls, before his gaze settled on Hazel. "Was passing by and noticed you over here."

"We were showing Anna around, since she's planning on staying with the pack for a while."

"Another human?" Gabriel said, looking at Anna, but whether she was a wolf or not wasn't what he was questioning.

"She's related to Sean."

Gabriel's brows raised. "Oh. Nice to meet you..." He said, before giving her an appraising look and adding, "Wouldn't have guessed."

"We're cousins," Anna said, tilting her head as she rested a hand on her hip. "And it's cool. His whiteness usually throws people off."

"Right, well, uhm..." Hazel cleared her throat. "What've you been up to since getting back?"

"Oh, you know... Catching up with friends and such." His eyes drifted from Hazel's pretty blue eyes to her lips, then a little lower. "How're you settling in, Chloe?" Gabriel asked, despite his eyes still being glued to Hazel.

"Good," Chloe squeaked out even though she had the odd feeling that she was out of place, like she was standing in someone else's bedroom. The way Gabriel was eyeing Hazel was enough to make her own pulse quicken and she shifted a little. She was so distracted that she didn't even notice Kaiden until he stepped right between the girls and Gabriel.

Wolf & Witch III: Oracle's PathWhere stories live. Discover now