Ch. 26

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As the sun dipped lower in the sky, the temperature dropped; almost like the wind itself was a witch, further casting its freezing touch onto anything exposed to it. It had even stilled the gentle waves on the lake, which was where Axel and Gabe had decided the three of them would meet up.

"Like I said, it won't be a problem." Gabriel sounded pretty sure of himself, but Axel wasn't entirely convinced.

"You haven't beaten Kaiden in a fight before," Axel pointed out from where he sat on an angled stump.

Gabe only half restrained a sneer, picking up another of the rocks resting on the lake's shore and chucking it. "He'll be off his game."

The sound of the stone smacking the layer of ice atop the water's surface was satisfying.

"How do you figure?"

"Just seeing me around your sister was enough to nearly short circuit what brain cells he hasn't smoked into oblivion... Wait till he sees me leaving the ceremony with her."

Axel's jaw stiffened and he glanced briefly at Nate before he looked back at Gabriel. "I don't want you using Haze just to get at Kaiden."

Gabriel twisted to look at Axel as though he'd just said something gross or ridiculous. "Did I say that's what I was doing?"

"No, but I'm just putting it out there."

"Yeah. Anyway," Gabe said, scooping up another rock. "I suspect Dakota's gonna be a bitch to take down. Laird claims he's seen him stay in a fight for nearly an hour before, but I strongly doubt that. If he has no backup, we'll wear him down." A slight smile pulled at the corner of Gabe's lips. "Dakota will have to either die or take the 'L'..." He aimed for the last rock he'd thrown, and this time, the projectile smashed through the battered ice, causing its shattered pieces to bob in the now exposed, frigid water. "He won't last against all of us..." Gabriel looked over at them. "...Right, Nate?" His tone made it very clear that it wasn't his claim he was looking to confirm, but rather that he wanted to know if Nate would actually be a participant in this.

"No, he was never meant to be alpha," Nate agreed as he studied the shattered ice. "It won't come to death. He'll try to end things quick..." he looked at his mate before focusing back on Gabriel.

The older wolf nodded. "You know, I'm still surprised you let go of your aspirations, Nate," Gabriel said. "That's all you used to talk about... How things would be if you were alpha."

"He'll be beta," Axel stated. "That's close enough."

Gabriel's brows raised, and his small smirk grew into a smile that seemed more mocking than anything else. "Sure..."

Nate's gaze narrowed, but by some miracle was able to keep his mouth shut until Gabriel was gone. Once he had, Nate leaned into Axel.

"He's going to try and screw us..."

"It's fine," Axel replied, giving Nate's belt a tug. "We'll already have gotten what we needed out of him by the time he tries to."

"Heh. Only if you can convince the females, Byron, and Slade that you're a better alpha than Dakota..." Nate replied, taking the other male's arm and pulling it around his shoulder as he started to walk. That was the obstacle all of them faced... Even if you beat the current alpha, not having the backing from the other high-ranking members could still ruin your chances.

Axel's reply was a simple, cocky grin. "Let's go get some dinner. I swear I could hear my stomach over Gabe's rambling."


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