Ch. 23

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Axel paced the floor of his room, phone against his ear, seriously starting to wonder if Nate was going to pick up before the call just dropped again. "Answer your phone, Naaaate," he droned, glancing up at his ceiling, then over to his window.

A small smirk tugged at his lips, and he rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe Nate had actually climbed up there to sneak into his room the previous night. It was so juvenile and yet...kind of dumbly romantic in its riskiness.

"Hey," Nate's voice finally answered.

"Hey," Axel sat down on his ottoman. "Where've you been?" he wondered as he flicked the joystick on his Xbox controller.

"Around," replied Nate, but he must have felt his answer was a little too vague because he continued with, "Stopped by Dakota's for a bit, but I'm home now."

"Oh...speaking of him, I wanted to tell you that Gabe and I are gonna meet up sometime this week and go over some plans for the next ranking. I want you to be there too."

"Sounds good, and in the meantime, you can tell him to cool it with roughing up the rankless," Nate murmured, low enough that it was unlikely anyone else overheard.

"What do you mean?" Axel asked, brows furrowing. "What happened?"

"He followed Rex, Trevor, and Sean all the way back to our house. I get he technically doesn't have a rank right now, but if he pulls that shit again, I'll tear him a new asshole."

It was quiet on Axel's end for several seconds before he sighed. "Look, if the witches are gonna be living here, they're gonna need to toughen up at some point. And I can't have you getting into it with Gabriel."

"Really? Come on, Axe, he'd turn on us faster than Miguel! We don't even need him. The four of us out number Dakota and Kaiden just fine..." Nate huffed as he tried to keep his tone low enough that the others in the living room wouldn't overhear.

"I know that, but it wouldn't hurt to use whatever advantage we have to muscle our way to the top," Axel explained. "Besides, We could turn on him just as fast...but anyway, since you clearly were around Sean again already, what's the news on that?"

"Already? Hey, he showed up at my place!" Nate defended, "Anyway, it went...good? Still need to talk to Kaiden, but things seem to be going in the right direction. He asked if someone was allowed to be claimed by different people at the same time..."

Axel's tone was dismissive. "That's not a good idea."

"Why not?"

It wasn't that Axel wanted to deter Nate from pursuing Sean if he really wanted to that badly. Nate was still his, and that wouldn't change, but... "Nate, think about it. Humans are...well... They're know, fragile than we are. You or Kaid could seriously hurt him. Plus, it wouldn't mean the same thing to him that it would to you, and you two have been kinda on-again, off-again..."

"I'll be sure to pass on your recommendations," Nate said with a soft snort as he shook his head.

Axel sighed, but couldn't help smirking. "Asshole..."


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