Ch. 17

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Since it would still be a few hours before the little get together Kaid was hosting, Anna recommended that she and Sean go into town. There were some toiletries she wanted to pick up that she hadn't been able to find at the gas station her and Trevor had run up to earlier, and Sean was grateful she asked him to come along. He hadn't wanted to say it to Kaid, but after that vision, he was relieved to be getting off of pack land for a bit.

"So, Travis was rubbing elbows with a witch?" Anna asked, glancing briefly at Sean through her rearview mirror.

"I don't know why else she would've said she was one," Sean replied. "But Kaid said Travis, and the pack for that matter, were against witches. and I believe that, considering how things were when Trev and I first got here."

"Maybe the two of them had some kind of falling out for some reason," Anna suggested.

Sean consulted the landscape rushing past his window. "So he didn't want the rest of the pack dealing with them either? That sounds a little dramatic."

"This is a riveting conversation about a dead dude and all, but are we really not gonna talk about what you said?" Trevor cut in from the front passenger seat, pointing a finger at Anna.

"What do you mean, what I said?"

"Hellooooo? Karla? You asked Sean if he'd seen Karla too?"

Sean felt a weird, fluttering ache in his chest, and he bit his bottom lip, staring even more intently out the window now.

"She's the little girl you saw, isn't she!?" Trevor asked excitedly. "You said Sean was going to have a daughter in the future, and now that you seen her, you know it's Karla!"

Anna took another glance at Sean's reflection before taking a deep breath. "The girl I saw," she said, pausing dramatically and tapping her acrylic nails on the wheel. Trevor looked like he would be on the center console if he hadn't been seat belted in. "Was Karla...I was scrying after meditating on a pair of cards that kept showing up when I was doing readings for Sean. And they've kept showing up over the years."

"Which cards?" Sean asked, surprising both of them.

"The Emperor and the Page of Wands."

"BROOOO! You know what that means!" Trevor said, turning in his seat to look at Sean directly.

"Dakota doesn't want a relationship, Trev!"

Trevor's mouth made a stubborn line. "That don't mean anything. Besides, how would you know that?" His eyes narrowed accusingly, and it was far too feline like, in Sean's opinion, considering Trev wasn't presently in his cat form.

"Because he's single?" Sean improvised . "You think there aren't girls in the pack who would get with him if he wanted a partner?"

"He is fine as hell for a redhead," Anna added.

"Bro, that don't mean anything!"

"I'm happy with Kaid! And Kaid watches Karla a lot! That easily could explain why she saw Karla."

Trevor didn't look very pleased by Sean throwing a bucket of ice water on his crazy conspiracy theory, but he still had one more jab to throw on the matter. "Uh-huh... that's why you're blushing like crazy right now... Cuz I'm wrong..."

Anna took some mercy on Sean, and changed the subject, and they talked about the music stations they could get to come in with the least amount of static, food, and some of the things they wanted to pick up while in town.

But in the back of his mind, Sean couldn't get over the disturbing scene he'd witnessed, nor all of the questions buzzing uncomfortably in his head like a swarm of flies.

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