Ch. 27

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Sean's eyes lit up the moment he saw Nate cross the threshold, and he got up again, greeting Nate with a hug as well, which brought him to lock eyes with Axel. "Hey, Axel," he said, giving a half wave before stepping back from Nate.

Axel tipped his head in return before looking past Sean into the dining room. "How's it going, Cat?" the wolf asked, looking pointedly at Trevor.

"Wooow, you're really gonna walk in here like you don't know my full title? It's Emotional Support, Cat, thank you. But I'm Alright," Trevor replied.

Axel chuffed, and gave Trevor a good pat on the shoulder, while Sean looked from Nate to Kaiden. "Do you two need some time to talk alone, or...?" he asked in a private tone.

"I think we should all talk out here," Axel suggested, having easily overheard Sean. "Right here.."

Sean was pleasantly surprised by his suggestion. "So no one's left in the dark?"

Axel shrugged. "Why not? Nate's mine. I claimed him, but he still loves you as does Kaid, I'm sure, since you're still living here, and these two are basically your family, right?" he said, pointing at Trevor and Anna. "Don't you tell them everything? So, they'll find out whatever we all decide anyway."

"Fair." Sean looked at Kaid and Nate.

Nate shrugged. "I'm fine with it."

"Great, then that's settled," Kaiden said as he brought out two chairs from the kitchen into the living room where there was more space.

Trevor shifted and hopped up on the back of the couch where he curled up—a sign that he intended to listen but not directly intrude on the conversation.

"So," Kaiden started after he'd taken his seat. "Boundaries?" the rocker wondered, casually flipping his long dark hair out of his face.

"Mine are pretty open," Anna pipped in as she sat down next to where Trevor was curled up, and crossed her legs. "I'll not make this about me, though," she added, as she studied the finish on her nails.

Sean snickered, shaking his head while taking a seat. His cousin never failed to ease stressful situations for him... Not that he was stressed, necessarily, but he was... Well, he was kind of a jumble of things at the moment.

Nervous... Excited. Hopeful. Scared. Excited... He reminded himself that he needed to be vocal and communicate more about exactly what he wanted... What his needs were. That's what he'd promised to do.

"So, I obviously have feelings for both of you," Sean said, looking at Kaiden and Nate. "And I don't have any issues with you being Axel's mate. I wouldn't get in the way of that."

"I mean, you really couldn't," Axel stated. "Even if you wanted to."

"In terms of rank and pack laws, no," Sean agreed, "I have no authority since I'm rankless, but I meant I wouldn't try to monopolize Nate's time or emotional capacity."

Axel's brow creased but he had a half smile on his though he was either impressed or intrigued by Sean's response. "Good, since that's probably a little strained already anyway," he teased before adding, "The two of you can do whatever it is you wanna do, as long as I still have my say, I guess."

"You guess?" Sean asked.

"Well, I can't say for sure yet, since I've not seen you two really interacting, post me claiming him."

"I can change that," Nate said as he took Sean by the chin and guided his lips towards his own.

As their lips met, Axel rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he glanced away, smirking. It wasn't that it upset him seeing his mate kiss someone else... He'd honestly thought it might, but the truth was exactly what he figured the alternative would be... Sean was a submissive male, despite his little magic tricks. Nate would be the dominant party in their relationship... and knowing he had control over another dominant male was an ego boost for Axel. A big one. But the witch was actually rather quick to put an end to Nate's little display.

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