Ch. 9

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After Miguel and Xavier joined, the conversation completely derailed. It was clear that none of the younger males cared about how Gabriel rejoining may affect the pack so close to mating season. Instead, they'd turned the vote into a way for them to show their alliances. And the only thing Dakota really gathered from it was that all the younger guys cared about was one upping each other. It was annoying for the alpha, to say the least.

Dakota knew the turmoil over his leadership wasn't settled, but in this instance it was even more impossible to ignore. There were those who sided with the "old ways", which was rather, the way Axel seemed to feel his father would've handled things, and those who sided with the "new" alpha... Three against three, with no hope of reconciliation. They'd argued all afternoon until finally, Dakota had enough. He'd announced his decision. The battle lines had been drawn, and were far from settled even after they'd left.

Thanking his brother and Byron one last time, Dakota closed the door behind them and rubbed his eyes. "Oh my goooood," he groaned as he turned back towards the living room. "What a colossal fucking pain in the ass. I'm sorry, Kaid, thanks for-" Dakota froze as he noticed the witch sitting on the opposite side of Kaiden. "Sean," he sighed, "Shit. I forgot you were–" he cut himself off. "Sorry. What did you need?" He figured it had to have been something fairly important for Sean to have sat patiently through that entire mess.

"Well, I was hoping I could get your permission for Anna, and Trevor, and me to live here for a while?" Sean cringed. They'd just had that whole meeting over one person rejoining the pack, and he'd at least been a wolf. "I'm so sorry, I probably should've said something while everyone was here, I just–"

"No," Dakota said, shaking his head, motioning dismissively with his hand as well while he took a seat on one of the stools.

Sean's expression sank, and his shoulders slumped. "Oh."

"No–fuck. Ugh." Dakota pressed a thumb against his temple. "I meant, don't apologize. You can stay."

"Really?" Sean hopped up from the couch. "You don't have to talk it over with the rest of the guys?"

Dakota looked at his beta. "Are you cool with it?"

"Yup," said Kaiden, who didn't even want to pretend to be difficult after the way the meeting had gone.

"Perfect. There. Done. It's final."

Sean's expression could've lit the entire room. He crossed from the couch over to the kitchen island where Dakota was sitting and gave the alpha a tight, grateful hug. "Thank you!"

The gesture put a small smile on the redhead's face, but he hid it just as quickly, returning the embrace briefly with one arm. "Sure."

"You know what this means though, right?" Kaiden said as he got up and moved to the kitchen, opening Dakota's fridge. "There's going to have to be another ranking for Gabriel rejoining...and it's like the worst time of year for a ranking," Kaiden finished, looking for something to eat.

Dakota turned on the stool to face Kaid, propping his head up with his hand as he leaned on the island. "Yep. And it's gonna be even worse than normal, because the girls will be sizing them up, and because I didn't deal with this bullshit with some of the guys sooner...Not that I really could, without Rose's support, but yeah...It's gonna suck."

"You two will be careful, right?" Sean asked, while Kaid pulled a tub of ice cream out of the freezer.

"We'll be fine," Dakota reassured, moving to grab three spoons from one of the drawers. "But-"

"But?" Sean blinked.

Dakota handed one of the spoons to Kaid before lightly tossing another onto the island in front of Sean. "Don't interrupt me," Dakota said as Sean stopped the offered utensil from sliding further.

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