Ch. 12 (Mature Content, 18+)

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As Axel yanked down his boxers, Nate's length bobbed once past the waistband and then lulled to rest against his stomach, still not hard enough to stand on its own fully. He gave his door one last glance before smirking up at the blond.

"I can be quiet if I want to be," Nate said with a measure of confidence.

Grinning, Axel pulled Nate's loose t-shirt off of him and leaned forward until his nose was touching Nate's. "So you are capable of shutting your mouth, then?" he teased, "Who'd have thought?"

Nate made a face. "My mouth is capable of a lot of things," he tossed back.

"Oh, I remember," Axel assured him. "I hadn't drank that much." As he spoke, the hand that he wasn't using to hold himself over Nate, slid down the other male's abdomen, tracing ribs before traveling lower, to slide across Nate's length.

"Uh-huh." Nate rolled his eyes, but still wore a smirk while he allowed his own hands to snake under Axel's sweater and his undershirt.

Honestly, Nate didn't know why Axel wore an undershirt with a sweater, when a hoodie was probably just as good, if not better than a boring sweater. But Nate also couldn't deny how good it looked on Axel; the way it clung to his chest and shoulders in just the right way. Nate didn't have any clothes that fit him as well as Axel's seemed to fit him. After a little bit of a struggle, Nate had managed to pull the designer sweater up over Axel's head.

Once Axel was free of his sweater, the heat radiating off of him was even more apparent. He took possession of Nate's lips again, plunging his tongue deep into Nate's mouth, while he repositioned his knees, allowing him to grind his still clothed, for now, bulge against Nate.

Jolts of excitement and desire pulsed through Nate's system like an electrical storm. Even if he'd wanted to fight against them, it would have been a struggle. But Nate didn't even try. He just gave into his desires like it was second nature. He eagerly met Axel's tongue with his own as his hands set about undoing Axel's belt, now that his sweater had been taken care of.

Proving to be just as eager as Nate, or perhaps even less patient, Axel couldn't stand to wait on the fingers fumbling with his belt. He pushed himself up so that he was upright on his knees, unbuckling and pulling off the leather accessory in a few rough, but efficient tugs, dropping it beside them before getting out of his shoes and pants. He kicked those to the side as well.

Axel chose not to remove his underwear entirely, but rather, pulled them down only enough to free himself, giving his hard length a couple strokes as he admired the frustratingly beautiful little jerk splayed out in front of him. Nate was pretty slim when compared to himself, Miguel, or even Xaivier. Axel supposed it suited Nate's style, though. He couldn't really think of many 'punk emos' that looked like they hit up the gym on a regular.

"You got any-uh... stuff in here?" Axel asked, suddenly looking around, even though it wasn't like he expected Nate to have lube or condoms just sitting out in plain sight.

"Hm? Oh. Yeah. Right," Nate said as he forced his brain to stop ogling Axel for long enough to remember where he kept that stuff. He turned over and reached under his bed, pulling out a black shoe box that he slid to Axel. There wasn't much in it; a bottle of lube, a few condoms, and a cheap little personal vibrator.

Axel grabbed one of the condoms, and tore the wrapper open with the aid of his teeth. He drank in the lusty look that had clouded Nate's eyes while he smoothed the rubber over his own shaft, then casually set the bottle of lube on Nate's stomach.

Nate's head tilted as he eyed the bottle and then Axel before taking it and squeezing some carefully out onto the tip of his head. He worked the slickness down his shaft to the base, over his sack and past it to his opening, grabbing more lubricant whenever he needed it. He did so with no real sense of urgency. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying touching himself while keeping his gaze locked with Axel's.

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