Ch. 18

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It was around dinner time when people started to show up for the party and in no time the driveway and the front lawn were filled with cars, though some people chose to just jog over in wolf form instead.

"Well, this looks witchy!" Hazel chimed as she and Chloe saddled up to the table in the dining room, where Anna and Trevor each had a spread of tarot cards out.

They'd chosen to pass on the game of beer pong set up in the garage, and Hazel was glad, since she'd now found who she was looking for.

"Oh! Hey, y'all!" Anna greeted, switching her cigarillo to her other hand so that she could put an arm out to hug Chloe, then Hazel. "Come sit down."

"What are you doing?" Hazel wondered, as Karina gave up her seat next to Devin for her. "Fortune telling?"

"They were going to tell me who I'm destined to be with," Karina said. Motioning towards the cards.

"Destined, huh?"

"Yeah, like who we're fated to be mated to!"

Hazel tucked some flyaways behind her ears. "My parents' original pack actually believed in that kinda stuff...Moon goddess, Lunas, fated mates... But since you're witches, I imagine this is probably, like...actually legit, right?"

Anna grinned. "Where were your parents from?"

"Parts of Canada, as far as I know."

"Interesting..." The witch took a drag and let out a puff. "Wanna try?" she asked, holding out some cards, and glancing passed Haze to watch Kaiden as he made his way through and toward the back yard.

Hazel seemed to consider the cards for a few seconds before shrugging. You can finish with Karina first. "I'm mostly wondering when you're free to come to my place."

"Your place?" Anna echoed, raising a brow.

"Yeah. My mother wants to meet you, since she is the female alpha of our pack. You being here at the ranch is kinda her business."

"Mmm," Anna hummed, nodding. "My bad." She shuffled the deck, pausing as a card slipped free and landed on the table between her and Hazel. "Looks like this one chose you."

Outside, Sean had pulled a patio chair close enough to the firepit to be comfortable, while he watched some of the wolves romp around.

Xavier tossed a frisbee out into the darkness beyond the helo of light from the firepit; and four wolves, who Sean couldn't identify right off the top of his head, went chasing after it. One pulled ahead of the others, jumping up and catching it between their teeth only to shift instantly, take it out of his mouth, and give it a good flick before shifting back, to give chase with the others.

Sean was still lost in thought, wondering what it must feel like to be able to have a different form like the pack, and Trevor, when someone plopped down in the lawn chair beside him.

"Hey, you okay?" Kaiden wondered.

Sean laughed at himself for having been visibly startled. "Yeah," he replied, trying to get a read on his boyfriend. "Are you?"

"Definitely," Kaiden replied as he watched the small pack of wolves rush past again before looking back at Sean. His warm brown eyes stared right into the witch's, but there was none of the troubles he'd held earlier; just a quiet contentment. "Hey, could I ask you something?"

Sean's entire posture eased, and his smile reached his eyes as he gazed up at Kaid. "Of course."

"Good, because I was gonna ask anyway!" Kaiden laughed and then took a sip from the plastic cup in his hand before continuing. "So, I know Anna said you don't like to see into your future and all that, but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind seeing into mine?"

Wolf & Witch III: Oracle's PathWhere stories live. Discover now