Chapter 11 - Bye Bye Casey

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Chapter 11 - Bye Bye Casey

Casey's been keeping to himself since him and I went back to the future. I think seeing what we've seen twice has gone to his head. I'm sorry I put him through that but it had to be done. All we have to do now is figure out how to stop Tyler from exploding and figure out who is "they" before September 23rd, the due date. Sounds simply enough right? We have ten months find out whos behind all this. So my plan so far is to keep my minds eye open and listen out for anything out of the ordinary.

Today Cyrus found a case that requires all six of us. We haven't all gone out together yet, only done training simulations. After the days classes we meet in headquarters to discuss the mission.

"What's up guys. Ready for tomorrow's assignment?" Cyrus asks very enthused.

"What ya got for us?" Cole says first.

"Yeah, and it better be good too." Dank says smiling at everyone.

"Oh, trust me, it's a good one." Cyrus chuckles pulling up articles on the computer screen. "David Flacko, 24 years old, born and raised in Long Beach, California" he says clicking a few more articles. "Known ability, Communicates with animals" Cyrus says exiting the screen.

"That's so cool, but how can you be sure this is a case for us though?" Cherish says still fascinated by the ability.

"Articles show, in most of these vicious animal attacks, the owners were attacked by life long trained dogs or cats. Once either severely injured or most cases dead, the house is robbed for their valuables. Money, jewelry, electronics, you name it." Cyrus says shutting down the computer.

"How can we be sure this, David Flacko, is our guy?" Tyler asks cracking his knuckles.

"Survivors claim, the animals started out protecting them. Then when he talked to the animals, they listen to his every command." Cyrus says shrugging his shoulders. "Also, one witness claims that he has a snake around his neck. He told it to paralyze the victim." He ends looking around the room at everyone.

"What else you got on the guy?" I ask grabbing hold of Ambers hand.

"Besides the he has no job and he's filthy rich. Oh yeah, he also sells large quantities of high end merchandise on craigslist too." Cyrus throws in there.

"Maybe we finally take down the craigslist killer!" Dank says excitedly.

"Seriously dude?" I say as I push the thought and tell him to smack himself for the comment.

"Couldn't help myself, Sorry." Danks laughs turning away.

"Why do we need everyone for this mission though, I don't get it." Casey spills out.

"Lets just say, I did my homework and this guy is worse then Michael Jackson." Cyrus explains. "What I mean is he has an entire zoo as his backyard. Almost any animal you can think of, he's got it." He says shaking his head.

"Well, I do love the zoo." I say as the meeting ends.

Later that evening, the team meets back up for a pre game meeting before the flight tomorrow. We discuss each persons role in the mission.

Cole, to me has the biggest role of us all. His invisibility is one of strongest traits as a team. He's going in first, going to scope out the territory undetected, find us a safe way in. Ultimately, leading us to David unseen.

Cherish is in charge of levitating any large objects out of the way. There's going to be places he doesn't want us to go, and she'll be able to move any obstacle in our way. If anything were to get out of control, she can move multiple items at once.

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