Chapter 6 - Super Speed

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Chapter 6 - Super Speed

As we're watching the video I'm still in shock. Did I really just run that fast? How is this possible? How can I have more then one ability? All these question are racing through my mind very quickly. Luckily, Cyrus records all our training sessions, just so we can improve on our technique and strategize our team-work tactics.

"Seems like your running at the speed of light." Cyrus says pressing the play button again.

"Yeah but how? I thought we could only have one ability." Casey says pointing at the monitor.

"Well, I think whatever radiation or whatever this stuff is coming from these meteors, must be in Ayden's blood." Amber shouts out from the corner of the room.

"So what does that mean?" Cyrus says.

"It means Ayden is basically a pure bred. And we have to find out more about these meteors, I don't think this is radiation poisoning people are encountering." Amber says.

Cyrus immediately turns back on the computer to do more research. Meanwhile I pull Tyler off to side and ask if he could go grab the piece of the meteor he had. I pace back and fourth thinking of all possibilities. I know that the meteors play a huge role in all the chaos, just not sure how huge. When Tyler returns we meet everyone back in the control room and explain my theory.

"I think the meteors really aren't meteors at all." I say with excitement.

"What do you think they are?" Casey says looking at the small metal box on the table.

"Some type of stone infused with DNA enhancements I take it." I say as I open the box. "See the liquid inside of it?" I point without touching it.

"If that's true that means anyone could have abilities?" Cyrus shouts grabbing the box.

"Be careful, what if something happens." Tyler says reaching for the box.

"That's the point. I want a ability." Cyrus says putting the stone back.

"It doesn't work like that Cyrus. I think it has to be heated to extreme temperatures first." I say grabbing the stone. "When it crashed it became a gas that's how it spread."

As I'm holding the stone it starts to glow gold. So rich in color it's unbelievable. Amber throws a theory out there that the stones and I are connected. When I try my new speed ability with the stone in my hand, I instantly take off. It's only been five seconds and I'm already in a different county! I keep going faster, I look into my palm of my hand and the stone is brighter then before. Ten seconds later I stop only to find out I'm in Los Angeles, California. So this is what the stones do. They help amplify our abilities. I take off back in the direction I came and within seconds I'm back in the control room. Amber, Cyrus, Casey, and Tyler glance at in bewilderment.

"What the hell just happened?" Cyrus shrieks.

"You just disappeared for twenty seconds then.." Tyler says.

"Poof! Here you are" Casey screams not able to blink.

"I was just in California! This stone amplify our abilities somehow." I say tossing it to Casey.

"You went where?" Tyler says flatly.

"Give it a try." Amber says nudging Casey's shoulder.

Next thing we notice the stone turns blue. Within a blink of an eye Casey has his goatee back. We stare in astonishment.

"How'd you do that?" I say staring at Casey.

"I time travelled back to the last month and hid the razor from myself." Casey explains.

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