Chapter 8 - Dream Intruder

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Chapter 8 - Dreamer Intruder

It's been almost 2 months since we've returned from Japan. The academy for Prodigious ones is up ready for more students. We currently have five students so far. Cyrus and Emily kept us busy with different cases lately. We ran across a girl, 19 years old named Amy Falconer with the telekinesis ability. She was at a college in Chicago. We agreed that she was harmless and wouldn't hurt anyone. She had full control of her ability and came to a agreement if she wanted to enhance them she could come to our new up and coming school of Prodigious ones. Also there was a 45 year old man named Butch Walters who was murdering women by turning them into statutes and collecting them. We had to eliminate him immediately.

The other five cases went fairly easy. Ended up with new students to start our school. Amber, Cyrus, Tyler, Casey, and myself each teach a class helping each student enhance their abilities in different ways. 22 year old Tommy Grander has the ability to transform himself into water. It's amazing to watch him during his change. Another guy 18 year old Mike Tower we found in Colorado, generates snow and ice from his hands. There's 13 year old Shannon Briggs who can make anyone do whatever she says. It's kind of like my push technique only she has to actually say the words aloud. Then we have 8 year old orphan Charlie Banks. His power might be the most important out of everything we've encountered so far. He can self regenerate. His blood is very important and is our number one priority right now. Our last student is 23 year old Stacy Downy. We call her "copy cat" because she can mimick anything she sees. Maybe with practice she can mimic abilities some day.

The school keeps us busy throughout the day. After classes are over we head to headquarters to find more cases and possibly more students. Also we had a case unsolved that we've been trying to close. There's been reports of mass suicides in a wealthy developments in Florida. Witnesses say the individuals never showed any signs of suicidal behavior. They would just wake up and end their lives for no reason. The case went cold because we couldn't find a link until now. He's gotten two communities so far. His name is Andy Beckman, 37 year old real estate agent, Cyrus calls him the dream intruder. He comes to you in your dreams and convinces you that you have nothing to live for. Once he makes you kill yourself he buys the property of the deceased for a low cost and re-sells them, making a fortune. Community by community.

As of now he's staying at a hotel in Miami, Florida. Cyrus puts him in the high risk category for Prodigious ones. If he knows we're after him he can get into our dreams and take us out. So for high risk Prodigious ones they must be eliminated at all cost.

"How are we gonna take care of this guy? What if he can do more then just enter dreams?" Tyler asks as were going over tactics.

"We just have to hope that's all he can do and take it from there." I say looking at Cyrus.

That night, he came to me in my dreams. He warned me that, coming for him will be the death of everything and everyone I care about. Instantly the dream showed me that everything we built, the school, my estate, will come to an end. All of the students were murdered, friends, and family. I asked him how he knew we were coming for him, he responds by saying: I SEEN MY DEATH CHANGE! I quickly woke up and almost believed what I dreamt. It felt so real, I understand why those people ended their lives. What does he man by he seen his death change?

In the morning I fill Amber, Cyrus, Emily, Casey, and Tyler about my dream and how he knows we're after him. Even his quoted message. Casey believes what he means is, he probably dreams his death and knows the outcome, but somehow we altered it and now we kill him. Amber and Emily agree to stay behind while the guys and I board the jet to Florida. We talk over various plans trying to figure out the best scenario to catch him off guard. Then, an image flashes through my head of another suicide. I didn't know he can do more then just intrude dreams. He can also send images to people, make them see whatever he wants. Once I snapped back to reality Cyrus asks what just happened.

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