Chapter 17 - Warehouse 23

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Chapter 17 - Warehouse 23

My mind for the first time in long time has gone blank. I honestly don't know how we're going to get Amber back, or if we're already too late. I hear the team discussing the game plan but it's not registering with my mind. I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happen to Amber. I'd never forgive myself.

"Ayden did you catch all that?" Dank says shaking my shoulder.

"Sorry, I was somewhere else for a second. What's the plan?" I ask ready to get things moving along.

"Dominic had a great idea on how to find Avery Tiller's location. Axis even says it will work." Cherish says looking at Dominic with some doubt.

"This person who can hide their location must leave the spot at some point. When they do, we'll be able to pick up the exact location." Dominic mentions talking quickly.

"Seems like your sure this will work." Tyler mumbles under his breath.

I read Tyler's mind and he doesn't trust Dominic at all.

"I had a dream about this moment too, I know it'll work." Dominic says confidently.

"If you had dreams about all of this then why are you holding information from us?" I scream as I speed up and slam Dominic against the jet wall.

"As I said before, I had these dreams growing up my entire life. I just found out the characters in my dreams were real people. It's hard to piece everything together and when I do it's already too late." Dominic whimpers as I help him off the ground.

"I'm sorry little brother. It's just Amber is my world, inspired me to do what we do. From now on, tell us every dream you had with her in it." I say apologetically.

"I'll try. I had some of these dreams when I was a kid. They don't go in any specific order, but now I'll know when it's happening." Dominic spits out and astonished by what just happened.

Soon after the argument, Axis tells us we'll be arriving to Los Angeles with in the hour and to get ourselves together.

We finally get our plan in order and check into our suite. After three hours of waiting we finally get lucky. It seems whoever has the ability to hide there location has finally left. Cyrus was able to find a warehouse full of indigenous ones called Warehouse 23. He sends us the location and we make our way to Avery Tiller. As we head out I start to feel nervous, none of us know what abilities any of these people have.

"I'm glad you're back Casey, I don't think we could of done this without you." I tell Casey talking to him his head.

"Can I tell you something and you not get mad?" Casey says.

"Yeah go ahead, you can tell me anything." I say anxiously waiting.

"I don't really trust your brother. Something seems off about him." Says Casey trying to keep his thoughts together.

"I'm not mad at all. To be honest, I don't trust him all that much either. I've tried getting in his head, he's good at hiding stuff. He has parts of his mind blocked that I can't even break through. So he's got to be hiding something." I confess to Casey.

"We'll just keep a close eye on him is all we can do." Casey says ending the conversation.

"What powers do you have today Dank?" Cherish asks to start conversation.

"Today I'm rolling with invisibility and wait for it... turning into water!" Dank says with excitement.

"Where did you find this ability at? Cole said interested to find the answer.

"You know I like to take walks by myself right." Everyone nods their heads in agreement. "Well I was on an adventure and seen this random stream of water in front of me. So me being me I followed it. All of a sudden the stream stopped and morphed into a person. I instantly grabbed there hand and gained there ability." Dank says casually ending the story.

"Great story Dank, so who's ready for battle?" I say nervous about the outcome.

Part Two: Avery Tiller: The Villains

This is the moment I've been waiting for all these years. I'm not sure if this will be good or bad. All I've wanted for 21 years is to obtain abilities, I'm so close now I can taste it.

"So Ivan, remember, you can't leave Warehouse 23, okay?" I say clenching Ivan's shoulder.

"Gotcha boss, please lay the fuck off! Only reason I'm here is to make sure my baby sister is safe. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be looking out for your ass." Ivan says rubbing his knuckles.

"I made you who you are, remember that. You and your sister would be lab rats if it wasn't for me!" I explain gripping Ivan's shoulder tighter.
"I'll be back in about two hours. We have some uninvited guest coming our way soon. We need to prepare for battle." As I begin walking out the warehouse.

I've been preparing for the past year, every since that guy came into my dreams. I remember that first encounter, it was something I'll never forget. He told me within the next year there is going to be a major battle between good and evil that's going to change the world forever. I was told I'd become the leader of this new world, all I had to do was create an army of Indigenous ones. He told me I already had what I needed to succeed. That July of 1995 I captured two indigenous ones and locked them away. Using them, I'd be able to find people with abilities.

As I'm walking down the street, I begin thinking to myself that kidnapping this girl better be worth obtaining abilities. In The dream he said if need be, kill her. Best part is, I won't actually have to commit the crime, only set it up and everything will fall into place.

I check my surroundings as I approach the storage unit where I stashed this Amber broad.

"What the hell is going on! Who are you?" Amber whimpers as I open the door to the unit.

"Quiet little bitch. Remember what I told you when I first snatched you up." I tell her rubbing her cheek lightly.

"I'll be saved before you can do anything to me." Amber says feeling more hopeful.

"You really think your safe little whore? Your not going to live to see another day. Your so called team, is going to find your naked dead body." I whisper licking the side of her face.

"You wouldn't dare? You'll never get what you want." She cries out.

"Oh believe me, I'll get what I want, even get an added bonus." I explain while unzipping my pants.

"Please don't! I promise I'll behave and do as you say." Amber yells trying to cause a scene.

"It's too late my little bitch, I don't have the patience to play these childish games." I explain to her while covering her mouth.

Now I know probably should of kept her alive, but my plan is so much more fun. I lied to her when I said I don't have time for childish games... I live for them!

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