Chapter 12 - July 1993

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Chapter 12 - July 1993

It's been a month and there's still no word from Casey. It's almost our birthdays. Maybe he's lost in time, maybe he's stuck and doesn't know how to get back. All these possibilities are running through everyone's mind. Until we find out what actually happened to him, we're not going to tell his parents anything. Don't want to worry or scare them until we're absolutely sure what happened to him.

I decide to go into Casey's room just to see if I could get any sign of his presence. I'm over by his dresser and notice a large amount of folded papers sticking out from a old tin can. When I open the can I find letters with my name and dates written on them. I open the first one almost ripping the paper in half.

July 5th, 1993

Dear Ayden,

If your reading this then just know that I'm okay. I time travelled back to the day before you arrived here and started all this. We need more answers, and I believe going back is going to give us the answers we've been searching for. I'm going to stay for a little bit and keep writing to you as much as I can. Tell everyone back at the academy that I'm sorry for my absence, but I miss them tremendously. As of now, I'm visiting my house to see what happened to my parents during your arrival. If this day is as intense as you explained to me and the newspapers shown, I'm really going to have to be careful. Also make sure I don't want to step on any butterflies either. I'll write to you tomorrow and tell you everything I find out. Hopefully the truth.

Your friend,

I close the tin can and rush to headquarters and send a message for an emergency meeting at once. Amber can't make it, she's been behind in nursing school. I told her that her schooling was important, not to ruin that to help me. So she picked up more classes and works part time in a hospital. Cyrus and Emily arrive first and I signal them to sit and wait for the rest. Tyler arrives next, looking as if I disturbed him from a nap. Dank and Cherish arrive next confused about the meeting. I tell them were just waiting on Cole and I would explain everything. Cole suddenly appears sitting down around the table.

"Actually, I was the first one here." Cole says scaring Cyrus sitting next to him.

"So what's so important that you interrupted my nap?" Tyler asks rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"I heard from Casey today. He went back to 1993." I say pulling out the first letter.

"Why 1993?" Dank asks confused.

"To be precise he went to the day before I was born and landed here." I tell them looking around the room.
"Why is this day so important to him?" Tyler asks reading the letter.

"I'm not sure, he thinks he'll find answers about who I am and what we've become." I say unsure.

"How many letters are there?" Cherish asks excited.

"Not sure, I only read the first one and gathered this meeting to read the rest." I say organizing the letters by the dates.

There's a total of five letters. Each having my name and a specific date on it. Cyrus opens the second letter and scans it and displays it on the giant monitor.

July 6th,1993

I'm still not sure if you're ever going to read this but today was the most craziest day I've ever lived through. Ayden, your not going to believe what I've discovered. When you and the meteor rocks came, you weren't alone. There was a identical craft like yours but a meteor crashed in between the both of you. One crashed in New York and the other crashed in London. When I checked out the crash site I find a man and a woman. The woman is a young woman, about 20 years old and she's with a man. He's loading whatever you two landing in into his truck. You have a twin Ayden! He looks exactly like you man. From the baby pictures I've seen of you, he's definitely your twin.

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