Chapter 16 - Saving Amber

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Chapter 16 - Saving Amber

Shortly after meeting my twin brother, Dominic, the team makes it back and I introduce Dominic to the crew. I then noticed that Amber was gone longer than expected. I scanned the city using my mind reading ability and couldn't hear Amber's thoughts anywhere. I even ran through a few cities using super speed, still nothing.

When I return the team tells me to sit down, they know what happened to Amber. Dominic realized that he dreamt this moment as well, Amber has been kidnapped.

"What do you mean she's been kidnapped? Who has Amber?" I scream at Dominic.

"Avery Tiller, does that name mean something to you?" Dominic asks hesitantly.

"He's the guy who has our parents held captive, or had them killed. This guy is dangerous and on our shit list." I say looking around the room at the team.

"So what do we do Ayden?" Dank says scratching his head.

"Does anyone know where Tiller is located?" Casey ask looking at Cyrus.

"Maybe with the new technology from Axis, it'll be easier to find him." Cyrus says spinning in his chair.

"If Axis can find indigenous ones then we'll find Avery Tiller. Remember, he's got a team of our kind, Axis can find anyone with abilities." I say reminding everyone of our trip to Egypt.

"What if he's done something bad to her." Cole mentions quietly.

"He won't have a chance to because we're going to find her before he can. Cyrus, did you install system from the ship onto a hard drive?" I ask while pacing back and forth.

"No but we can run there real quick with your ability, it'll only take a few minutes to get everything we need." Says Cyrus quickly.

Within a blink of eye, Cyrus and I were on our way to Egypt. Along the way I try listening for Amber's thoughts. The results weren't good. Upon arrival we are greeted by Axis.

"Good evening Ayden and Cyrus, how may I assist you today?" Axis says as we board the ship.

"We need a favor. Is there anyway you can download yourself onto our flash drive and help us out at our head quarters?" I ask not sure if he'll agree.

"What do you mean by my help?" Axis responds.

"Amber, my girlfriend, has been kidnapped and we need your help to find her." I say practically begging for Axis's help.

"Does she have any abilities?" Axis asks.

"No, but the person who kidnapped her has been capturing and training indigenous ones. If we can find a group of indigenous ones, we'll find Amber." I tell Axis almost yelling.

"You'd really do us a solid. Plus, wouldn't you want people to talk to on a daily basis instead of being alone?" Cyrus asks in a friendly tone.

"It is quite lonely here all by myself. I'll join your team, don't worry Ayden. I'm here to serve you and Demonico." Axis reminds me.

A few minutes later we have everything we need and speed back to headquarters. Cyrus quickly installs Axis and we're ready to start searching.

Axis discovers a large group of indigenous ones located in Los Angeles, California. He informs us that someone there has the ability to hide there exact location. He gives us the coordinates to the closest spot to the group and the team and I start coming up with a game plan.

I'll do whatever it takes to get Amber back. No matter the risk, I will get her home!

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