Chapter 5 - 4 Months Later

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Chapter 5 - 4 Months Later

These past few months have been really hectic. Moving wasn't the worst part about the whole thing. My parents found out about my financial situation. There not sure how much it really is but as far as they know I'll never have to work a day in my life. When they asked how this happened I told them I won a contest online. The questions quickly ended, my parents aren't exactly tech savvy. The move actually went smooth. Cyrus, Amber, and myself each have our own section of the house. We remodeled the inside adding two more kitchens. We got desks and shelves and lab equipment for the bunkers. Of course we had to do the bunker business under wraps. That's our secret project, we've got the main control room with the 90 inch flat screen along with the other six 65 inch Tv's as well. The main computer system with up to date GPS tracking. Cyrus has become a genius over the past 4 months with all this technology. He learned how to use everything we bought. I never seen him so serious about anything ever. Amber got the house looking top notch. She furnished everyone room, except mine, and I couldn't be happier. I know she had a blast doing do it too. We actually grew closer over the renovation as well. Cyrus thought it was weird at first but he said he knew something was going on between us.

My power has gotten under control. I've practiced everyday and the more I practice the stronger it grows. I started off only able to hear thoughts when I was in the same room with people. Now, with concentration I can hear thoughts five miles away. We even talked Casey into coming over a few times a week and train with me. His power is growing tremendously. He went from just able to stop time to stopping/freezing objects and people. One time he made the clock go back 10 seconds. With more practice he might be able to learn time traveling.

Most importantly Cyrus found a lot of information the day I was born and found. July 6th 1993 there was global blackout along with a series of dangerous storms. For 8 hours that day the world experienced its scariest day in a long time. A huge meteor shower took place unnoticed because of the storms. A few hundred meteors crashed throughout world. All the crash sites were found but at that point it was too late. Locals went to check it out the scene and a lot of people were exposed to radiation and got sick. Some died, some injured, some weren't effected at all. Cyrus found out that there was a crash site on my parents property. When I showed him what I was found in Cyrus just about lost it. He discovered a similar crib with the same unknown writing on it. Nothing was found inside so they have it on display at the towns local museum. We also found out that Casey's parents were treated for radiation the day of the shower. Casey's mom was pregnant at the time, one day away from delivery. Amber believes that our powers are connected to the meteors and I might I have come with the showers.

Each bunker has been transformed into a different facility. We have the DNA lab, high tech training room, testing center, break/entertainment lounge, and my favorite the weapons room. I've learned to use a handful of swords and even have specialized guns as well. Cyrus has done some research and was able to find newspaper articles related to strange occurrences happening in cities all over the country. We decided to find the people responsible for these incidents and find out what's going on. Our first stop is in Ohio. There were a series of fires that start from thin air. No one can explain how they start but every time it does the same person is alway there. Tyler Reed. 34 year old guy who was exposed to radiation after the meteor shower.

The plan ride was faster than expected. Having your own private jet has its perks. We've been all over the world lately getting everything we needed for a bunker project. Casey wasn't able to join us on this one but promised he will be there for the next. I told him it was fine, that his ability was needed for this mission and to practice more. Arriving in Ohio the day is foggy and dark.

"So this is Ohio huh?" Cyrus says sarcastically.

"Nothing like the commercial is it?" I say laughing under my breath.

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