Chapter 13 - The Truth

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Chapter 13 - The Truth

It's 11:45pm July 5th and almost my birthday, well not just mine, my twin brothers Dominics as well. Amber's working another late shift but with everything we just found out, I need some personal space. Plus, this gives me a chance to listen to this tape and wait for Casey's return. Honestly, I've never been so nervous in my entire life. I'll finally get to know the truth about my parents and who I really am.

I make sure everyone is asleep so I do a quick mind sweep. Only person awake is Cyrus, but he's on the other side of the estate. I had Cyrus convert the tape and put it on a flash drive, I plug it into my laptop and begin to listen.

Unknown woman: Adonis, this is for the best, splitting the two of them up. You read the prophecies, without our guidance it cannot be certain.

Adonis: Splitting them up may make matters worse Serriana. They need each other you also read that in the prophecies as well!

Serriana: Ayandan and Demonico are meant to save this planet and many more. It's already too late and families have already taken them in. Nothing we can do now.

Adonis: We should of listened to my brother and went to Avian, it's safe and the survivors from our home planet, Teutonic, fled there.

Serriana: Hopefully your brother got everyone there safe. We got as many out before all the chaos with Targanis happened. He always wanted our abilities and he'd do anything to get it, the prophecies tell us that.

Adonis: I know Serriana, the part that frightens me is, we know our kind poses five unique abilities. What those abilities are we're not sure until we become mature enough, some take longer to ascend. We had lessons on our planet explaining every ability plus some are still being discovered. That the stone on planet Teutonic has mystical powers that gave our species our gifts.

Serriana: And you're afraid that since we don't know what abilities they'll gain or when, will the prophecies come true or not.

Adonis: Well that.. also if it's true Ayandan is the most powerful of us all. If gone down the path of darkness, it can be the end of earth plus many more planets. That's why it's important they find one another by their 22nd birthday, if not it could be the end of everything! Just incase Ayandan or Demonico find out we exist, I've left two copies of the prophecies, one for each son. I've modified each box so it's linked to them. They can only open the box with their name inscribed. We can leave our ship in the pyramid it'll be safe there, they'll find it someday. There naturally bounded to this ship, even while it's cloaked. I have a way to Avian through a portal here on earth. If we go...

Unknown man: Now what do we have ourselves here? So your sons are the reason my wife turned into a monster, I've been tracking you two since I seen your arrival in New York a few days after the blackouts. The names Avery Tiller and you two are coming with me...

(Gunshot! Gunshot!)

What did I just hear! Did he kill them or are they being held captive? I decide to get some rest, tomorrow I have a lot to get done. Finding Dominic won't be easy and getting to the ship is a whole adventure of its own. Happy birthday to me.

(Early the next morning)

"Happy birthday Ayden!" Amber shouts loudly.

"What... Oh yeah I almost forgot. Thanks babe." I say half awake and confused.

"You sound very enthused for it being your birthday and all. What's wrong? Remember you can tell me anything." Amber says rolling out of bed.

"Alright your right. Last night while you working I found letters from Casey that he sent from the past, from the day of my arrival. There were five letters all together each with different dates around my arrival. Come to find out, I have a twin brother that got knocked off course." I say trying not to look into her teared up eyes.

"You have a brother? A twin?" Amber says astonished.

"Yeah and there's more. My birth parents also came to visit to make sure we were safe. Casey recorded their conversation before they were kidnapped. They spoke of prophecies about my brother and I. How were suppose to save earth and other planets as well. They have a ship in the one of the great pyramids in Egypt." I say finally gasping for air.

"Then get your lazy ass out of bed and get dressed!" Amber says with a crooked snarl on her face.

"Give me ten seconds babe." I say whisper in her ear softly then I quickly speed off faster than I've ever ran before.

"Seven seconds babe, that's a new record! Let's talk to Cyrus and locate your parents ship first off." Amber says rubbing my hair.

I zip across the estate and get Cyrus informed on the plan Amber and I have come up so far. I give him the coordinates and we pack for the trip. Three minutes later we were at are destination, Egypt.

As usual, Cyrus was asking 21 questions. I quickly stopped his ranting and explained my birth parents said I would sense when I was close. Me being impatient, I use my super speed ability once again. I get faster within a certain distance from the stone from my home planet. I spring up behind Amber and Cyrus, frightening them, and tell them I found the pyramid.

Walking around I easily found the room where the ship was hidden. The weird thing was, I somehow knew I belonged here.

"Abracadabra!" Cyrus shouts, holding his hands high in the air.

Amber and I look at each other then start bursting out laughing.

"Well do you have any other suggestions, Mr and Mrs smart-ass!" Cyrus yells embarrassed.

"Nariqan!" I shout without realizing what I said.

"And you thought I was stupid..." Cyrus says before getting cut off.

Suddenly, a door begins to open slowly, bright lights await us as we begin to drag ourselves towards it. The ship is way bigger than I ever imagined. I do a quick mind sweep on the others and they're just a terrified as I am.

"Are you two ready for what's next? If not, this is the time to tell me. After this, everything will change and things will get dangerous. You ready for the truth?" I chant nervously looking intensely into their eyes.

"I'll always be there, you know this Ayden, no matter the mayhem." Cyrus says shaking my hand.

"Let's do this babe! The truth..." Amber says trembling.

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