Chapter 4 - Jackpot

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Chapter 4 - Jackpot

5:43am glows across my alarm clock screen. I must of made it an early night yesterday. Then I remember what I did before coming home. I jump out of bed and make my way towards the laptop. I go to my banks website and type in my account information then my jaw drops. When I told that business man to transfer all funds into my account I didn't realize how much it really was. I've never seen so many zeros in my life. $420,000,000.00 burns it's image on my computer screen. My palms start to sweat and I'm at a lost for words. I can't believe it really worked. What am I going to do with this much money?

I pace around my apartment for about 3 hours before I call Cyrus and Amber. Amber makes it over first seeing she lives next door. When she come in I'm like a kid at a candy store. These feelings between Amber and I are new but I'm kinda liking it. She embraces me for about a minute and asks me why I'm shaking. I turn the computer screen towards her.

"Is this a joke?" Amber chokes out barely catching her breath.

"No.. I kinda ran into someone yesterday" I say looking away from her piercing gaze.

"Someone? Or the bank?" says Amber as she paces around the room.

"I read this guys mind at the park and.." I say slowly biting my lip.

"And what?" Amber shouts.

"He embezzled money and didn't know what to do" I say startled. Then Amber walks slowing to the couch, stunned.

"So you told him to give it you?" says Amber slowly.

"Basically. It was easier then I thought" I say proudly.

"What are you gonna do?" Amber says shakily.

Suddenly there's a knock at door. So I quickly make my there knowing it's Cyrus on the other side. I'm excited to tell him about this. I know he'll appreciate this situation. I open the door with a huge grin on my face and tell him to take a seat on the couch next to Amber. I grab the laptop and jump towards Cyrus. He gives me funny look and continues to look at the screen. His face turns from funny looking to overwhelmed in an instant. He triple glances at the screen then double glances at Amber then me. She nods her head and do the same as well.

"Well what are you thinking about?" I say quietly.

"You should already know what I'm thinking" Cyrus finally spits out looking at the laptop screen one last time.

"$420,000,000.00 is too much money" says Amber nervously. She can't even look at the laptop anymore. I think I may of freaked her out finally.

"It won't get traced to my bank account I'm sure of it" I finally get out.

"What do you mean?" Amber says.

"I told the guy after he makes the transaction, make sure he destroys all evidence and flee." I say looking at both of them in eyes at the same time.

"I wouldn't expect that out of you Ayden. Maybe me,

but not you." Cyrus says as he laughs.

"I felt so bad for the guy and thought this would help us both out." I say honestly. "I didn't even know how much it was gonna be. He didn't look that rich at all!" I argue.

"It's okay Ayden, we believe you. Now we just have to figure out what our next move is." Amber says with a little grin across her face.

"So you guys are in?" I say rubbing my hands together.

"I'm in." Cyrus agrees quickly.

"Me too. You'll need someone to help you manage it anyways. You can't rely on Cyrus to that. He can't even manage his piggy bank." Amber blurts out.

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