Chapter 1 - What Am I?

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Chapter One - What Am I?

Waking up this morning I should be feeling better, being its my 21st birthday and all, but ever since waking up yesterday I've felt anxious and nervous in a way. My best friend, Cyrus Jones, told me that it's natural to feel weird the day before your 21st. I never believe a word he says though. I remember growing up he'd always get me into some sort of trouble. If it wasn't getting caught jumping into Mr. Landcasters pool or sneaking into the movie theaters every Saturday, it was serving after school detention. As we got older I matured but he has always had that childish quality about him.

The feeling I have is different. I can feel it deep inside. It's like every cell in my body is transforming, but I feel stronger in a way. I've always been different growing up. When I was 7 Cyrus and I were climbing the giant tree out in the woods when i fell and broke my arm. By the time we made it back to my house, my arm was completely healed. That's the day when my parents told me that I was adopted. I never really cared who my birth parents were because my life has always been great as far as I remember. When I asked my adopted parents about my real ones they told me "you were dropped off in our backyard in some metal basket with weird writing on it." So they didn't know a single thing about them. All I know is they kept the basket so I could at least hold a memory of my parents even though I never knew them.

Getting out of bed is much harder than I expected. I look to my left and see the clock glowing 8:23AM. I reach for my water bottle that i keep on the nightstand and take a huge gulp replenishing my thirst. Reaching the bathroom is a hassle. I trip over a few items scattered on the smooth hardwood floor and finally enter the bathroom. I manage to get myself together. Scrubbing last nights mess off my face was easier then I thought it would be, especially feeling the way I do as of now. As I reach for my tooth brush I heard a knock at the door.

"Ayden, you home?" Someone shouts. Who could this be so early in the morning? "Who is it" I ask carefully making my way to the front door of my apartment. "It's Amber, hurry up its rude to keep a lady waiting," says Amber. I open the door to see my neighbor Amber Monroe leaning against the door frame. The look on her face is bright and inviting. Her bright green eyes shine like emeralds, and her caramel skin always smooth to perfection. She walks in and makes her way towards the couch.

"Why are you here so early?" I ask. She sits down and grabs the remote to the tv. "I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep so..." Amber says. "So you decided you'd come here and see if I were what? Making breakfast?" I said. "It's your birthday so I thought you'd like to start your day off with a little fun" says Amber. She pulls out a bottle of liquor we didn't finish the night before. "Oh no" I say. Then I hear a muzzled voice. I was just able to make out what it saying I was so close last night, I almost told him.

"Told him what" I shout. Ambers face starts to turn red. "I didn't say anything" she says. Again I hear a voice There's no way he heard what I said!

"I did hear what you said" I say.

"Okay, how did you do that" Amber says.

"Do what? I thought you were talking" I say.

"No, that's what I was thinking!" says Amber

Amber quickly gets up and darts out the door leaving it wide open.

Quickly I run to the door and close it. As my backs against the door I start to hear another voice, this time a male but can't really manage to hear what he's saying. I close my eyes and count to ten. I start thinking about the first time I'd been to the beach. For some reason I always feel most comfortable there ever since I was a kid. By the time I count to ten the voice is gone and I'm left standing in a puddle of sweat. I run back to my bedroom and grab my cell phone off my dresser. I scroll through my contacts until I see Cyrus and press the call button. When he answers I ask him if he's home and if I can come over, that we need to talk. He seems confused but tells me to come over and he'll be waiting.

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