Chapter 3 - Mind Control

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Chapter 3 - Mind Control

Making my way to the shower my mind was all over the place. Did Casey really stop time last night? Can I really read minds? Was this all just one long dream? Why Casey and I? All these questions are racing through my mind as fast as a faucet on full blast. The shower is very relaxing. Cleaning off yesterday's problems and starting with a fresh slate.

After getting dressed, I grab my cell phone and call Cyrus and Amber. Within 20 minutes we are all sitting at the kitchen table speechless. I offer them something to drink and get the conversation started.

"What do you two remember about last night?" I say.

"Having fun at your party.. Then Casey freezing time" says Cyrus.

"That pretty much sums it up" says Amber.

"Does anyone know where Casey lives?" I say.

"He still lives with his parents. Off Chamberlin Drive" says Amber.

"Do you think he'll be expecting us?" Cyrus says.

"I'm counting on it. He's gonna be freaked out a bit" I say.

"Wouldn't you be after stopping time? Cyrus says sarcastically.

After getting some lunch into our stomachs, we started are quest to Casey's house. From my apartment it should only take us about 50 minutes. His parents live in the countryside where Cyrus and I grew up. We moved to the city when we 18 years old and graduated high school. College never ended up being our strong suit. We both attended, but within the first year we started our own little Internet business and were able to live comfortable without being in school. So we decided to to get our own places not to far from each other and try to build our business bigger.

Amber is the only one with a car, which I'm very happy about by the way. Not many people need a car in the city. Public transportation and walking are the main ways around there. Luckily Amber has family outside the city that she sees frequently. According to Amber, the Monroe family are very adamant about school. Her agreement with her parents were as long as she's in school they'll pay for her apartment in the city. Her major is nursing. I can see her being a nurse, she's always been so caring, ever since I met her.

The drive went by rather smoothly. Amber asked me to drive because she didn't like driving for long periods of time. I gladly agreed to it because I never get drive and I feel it'd be relaxing as well. Cyrus has no problem sitting in backseat seeing that he'll probably sleep the entire time. 11:30am is still early for him. Mid way through the ride I take a look in the backseat to find Cyrus almost drowning in a puddle of drool. Amber I take a quick glance at each other and give a brief chuckle. Then she grabs my hand. I'm caught off guard. I don't dare turn to look her in the face, instead I keep my eyes locked on the road and return the gesture and grab her hand. I resist to read read her mind because I promised I would never violate her or Cyrus's privacy. For once in a long time I feel almost.. Normal.

"Wake up, were here" I shout back at Cyrus.

"10 more minutes please" Cyrus slurs back.

Amber leans back and flicks his nose. "Now" she shouts.

Cyrus jumps up in confusion and wipes the side of his mouth with his shirt.

"You could of asked nicely Amber" says Cyrus angrily.

"Ayden did the first time" says Amber.

"Okay you two no time for arguing" I snap.

"Your right" Amber says rolling her eyes back at Cyrus.

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