unexpected meetings

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"So here are the keys to the studio and whatever you do, don't go into the basement... it's haunted," Taemin handed the keys to Y/N and headed off.

"Thank you again, Taemin! Have a nice date with Yujin!"

"Oh, we will," Taemin winked as he got into the car where Yujin was waiting for him.

"Gross," Y/N muttered, shaking her head with a smile.

She entered the studio and was immediately hit with the familiar, not-so-pleasant mix of humidity and sweat. It wasn't the best scent, but knowing she had the privacy of the studio to herself made her feel at ease.

"God, it's hot... is there an air conditioner somewhere?" she looked around until she found one with a "broken, do not use" paper hanging off of it. Great, just what she needed while she sweated her butt off.

After a few minutes, she finally settled in and started practicing some random dances she found on YouTube. As tiring as it was, she found dancing to be therapeutic, something to distract herself from reality. Once the video ended, another one started, and it was her favorite song, "Fever" by Enhypen. Y/N knew this song by heart and had practiced the choreography countless times. The sharp, quick movements combined with the seductive body language showcased a different side of her, something only music and dance could express.

"Wow... you looked amazing. But I will say, try to clean up your arms a little bit; your lines are a bit messy," a voice said from the doorway, startling her.

"Who are you? I thought I had this place to myself," she asked, turning to see a man standing there.

"Oh, sorry, I haven't even introduced myself... I'm Yeonjun, Taemin's friend. We own this studio together since that nitwit can't pay rent on his own—"

"OH, I'M SO SORRY! I didn't realize you were also here. Taemin told me about you. I didn't know you were going to be here today. Wait... did you watch me the whole time?"

"Only the last few minutes, yeah. You really know how to dance."

Y/N didn't know how to feel. She had just met this very, VERY attractive man who not only complimented her but also gave her feedback. She was flustered, to say the least, knowing she barely talked to men other than Theo and her dad. But she shouldn't get ahead of herself; they just met, and for all she knew, he could be like this with everyone.

"Hey... you okay? You've been staring at me for like at least 30 seconds now and you haven't even told me your name," Yeonjun snapped Y/N back to reality.

"OH, SORRY, my name is Y/N."

"Y/N... what a beautiful name."

Right then and there, she could practically melt from the way he spoke to her.

Yeonjun decided to hijack the speaker and play "Shoong!" by Taeyang. Y/N couldn't help but join him during Lisa's part. In her mind, they both looked amazing together, even though they had just met. Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes became hours. Y/N and Yeonjun were both tired but enjoyed their time together.

"Hey, Y/N, if you don't mind me asking, can I have your number? Today was really fun, and I want to see you again."

Y/N was taken aback by his boldness and blushed until her whole face and neck were red. She nodded and gave him her number, and he looked very happy too.

On her drive back to her apartment, she couldn't help but wonder if Yeonjun was going to join the K-pop random dance event too. The way he danced was like liquid but clean, and his facial expressions were just amazing. To her, he was the perfect image of an idol.

As she was about to make a turn, she heard a ping on her phone.

Yujin: heyyyy y/nnnnn bestie i needdd u to pick taemin and i up from the club went way too hard on the drinks and hes throwing up everywhere.. sos !! lol

Y/N groaned, knowing this would happen. Whenever those two were together, they could never catch a break.

Once she arrived at the club, she entered as quickly as possible to find her friend and her boyfriend. But she spotted someone very familiar...

"Is that... LEE HEESEUNG?"

Heeseung, from Enhypen, was standing at the bar, chatting animatedly with a group of people. Y/N's heart raced. She couldn't believe her eyes. He looked even more stunning in person, his presence commanding the room effortlessly.

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