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"Am I seeing things? Am I crazy? Did I smoke some fumes?" Y/N muttered to herself, unable to believe her eyes. There she was, in the same room as Heeseung. It was something she would never have imagined, something utterly impossible to her, and yet here she was. Her heart raced, her mind reeling with the improbability of the situation. The lights of the club flickered and flashed, casting surreal shadows across the faces of the crowd. Y/N's thoughts swirled like the dancers on the floor, her head swimming with a mix of disbelief and excitement.

"HEY, Y/N!! YOOHOO!" Yujin yelled loudly, but the blasting music overpowered her screams. The beat pulsed through Y/N's body, making it hard to focus on anything other than the deafening rhythm and the surreal sight of Heeseung. Little did Y/N know that she had caught the attention of a certain someone. Her heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing the thump of the music. She felt a mixture of thrill and anxiety, her emotions a chaotic blend.

"Yujin, oh my god! Thank goodness you're safe. You know how dangerous it is to be drunk in a public space? Who knows what could've happened," Y/N scolded her friend, trying to be heard over the cacophony. Her worry for Yujin was genuine, but it was hard to maintain a serious tone amidst the pandemonium of the club. Yujin, however, didn't care; she was having the time of her life. Her laughter was infectious, and for a moment, Y/N felt a pang of jealousy at her friend's carefree attitude.

"So what? Don't be so lame all the time," Yujin retorted, her words slurring slightly. Y/N couldn't help but think about what she said. "Am I really lame?" she wondered, feeling a sudden rush of self-consciousness. The vibrant lights and the energetic crowd around her seemed to amplify her insecurities. She glanced around, seeing the carefree smiles and wild dancing, and felt a sharp contrast to her own cautious nature. Finally, she thought, "Fuck it," and asked for her first drink, deciding to let go for once.

"YES, MY BESTIE'S GONNA GET DRUNK!!" Yujin cheered while Y/N took her first shot. The liquid burned down her throat, but she welcomed the warmth spreading through her body. Soon enough, her whole world started spinning, and her train of thought became foggy. Y/N started doing things she never thought she would have the courage to do. She talked to random strangers, laughed at jokes that made no sense, and danced in public with a newfound boldness. Each drink seemed to dissolve another layer of her inhibitions, and she found herself reveling in the freedom.

Things were going great until Y/N wandered off, her sense of direction completely impaired by the alcohol. She was supposed to use the washroom but somehow ended up on the floor, her mind hazy and disoriented. "Hey, miss, are you alright? Here, let me help you," a familiar voice rang in her ear. Too bad her vision was blurry and the room was spinning; otherwise, she would have recognized the man. The concern in his voice was evident, cutting through the fog of her thoughts.

"Nooo, it's okay, I'm fine. I just... what did I need to do again?" Y/N murmured, struggling to get up. Her limbs felt heavy, and her mind was a jumbled mess. The man laughed gently and helped her up, his grip firm and reassuring. He seemed amused by her state but also genuinely concerned. "You don't seem like the type to drink, huh? No wonder you're such a mess. Please, let me get you some water."

"NUH UH! MY FRIEND YUJIN SAID TO NEVER TAKE DRINKS FROM A MAN WITH A VERY HOT AND ATTRACTIVE VOICE," Y/N tried to get the man to back off, but he insisted, his persistence softening her resistance. His chuckle was warm, and despite her friend's advice, there was something trustworthy about him. All was well until a certain song started to play through the deafening speakers... "Drunk-Dazed" by Enhypen. Y/N loved this dance, and unfortunately, her being drunk would not stop her.

She quickly got up on the bar table and started dancing her heart out in front of everyone. Workers tried to get her down, and others started recording her with their phones. The music fueled her very drunk brain, each beat driving her movements. The crowd's cheers blended with the pounding music, creating an intoxicating atmosphere that spurred her on. The man watched her with a mix of awe and embarrassment, his eyes following her every move. He'd never seen such a bold display, but then again, she was not in the right state of mind.

Once the last chorus played, Y/N took a step too far and lost her balance. She felt herself teetering on the edge of the bar, her arms flailing. Luckily, a certain someone caught her in time, preventing a nasty fall. "OH MY GOD, Y/N, WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU STUPID IDIOT!" Yujin scolded, her voice filled with a mixture of anger and concern, while Y/N was still in the man's arms. The man just giggled and helped her regain her balance, his touch gentle but steady.

"Wait a minute... ARE YOU THAT JAKE GUY FROM ENHYPEN? OMG, Y/N LOVES YOU!" Yujin exclaimed, her eyes wide with recognition and excitement.

"Does she now?" Jake's voice was calm, his accent unmistakable.

That accent... so familiar. Then suddenly, the realization kicked in. This whole time, she was interacting with THE JAKE SIM??? Just like that, she sobered up, the fog lifting from her mind as embarrassment washed over her. She quickly ran from the scene, her face burning with shame.

Yujin quickly ran after her, offering hurried apologies to Jake as she passed. The poor girl was probably wallowing in embarrassment by now, and she needed to find her before things got worse. "Taemin, babe, hold my drink and cigarettes; I need to find Y/N."

Yujin, half drunk herself, began searching for Y/N, only to find her at the entrance sitting on the stairwell. At first, she thought Y/N was crying, but it turned out she was laughing. The absurdity of the night's events had hit her, and she couldn't help but find it all incredibly funny.

"Yujin... I'm so stupid, haha... WHY DID I ALLOW MYSELF TO DO THAT?" Y/N yelled at herself while hiding her face in her hands. Yujin quickly hugged her, offering words of comfort and support.

"Y/N, if anything, he will probably forget about it the next day or... days... but hey, it's not like it will end up on the internet or something," Yujin tried to reassure her, though the thought of the incident going viral was a lingering fear.

Y/N laughed and leaned her head on Yujin's shoulder, feeling a bit better. She was so glad she had someone to depend on when her world felt like it was ending. The warmth of her friend's embrace and the sound of her soothing words provided a much-needed anchor in the chaos of the night.

"Yeah, you're right..." she said, taking a deep breath and trying to calm her racing heart.

"Let's go dip, yeah? Taemin is going home with his friends," Yujin suggested, eager to get her friend out of the club and into a safer environment.

"Yeah, but you're half drunk. I feel too embarrassed to do anything right now... how will we get home?" Y/N's voice was tinged with worry and exhaustion, the weight of the night's events pressing down on her.

Then Y/N thought of an idea and quickly pulled out her phone.

Y/N: YEONJUN!! Can you please pick my friend and me up from this club and drive us home? We are too out of it to drive ourselves.

In a split second, her phone buzzed with a response.

Yeonjun: Omw :)

Both girls were relieved to have found a ride, especially since they both knew him and trusted him. The wait seemed to stretch on forever, but finally, Yeonjun arrived, his presence a welcome relief. He first dropped off Yujin, who stumbled out of the car with a wave and a slurred "Thanks," then took Y/N to her place.

"You know, Y/N, you got a bad case of the drunk flush," Yeonjun commented, glancing at her in the rearview mirror.

This made Y/N even more embarrassed, her face burning even hotter. Yeonjun quickly noticed her discomfort and laughed, trying to ease the tension.

"Hey, don't be shy. You look cute anyway," Yeonjun said to Y/N, his voice gentle. Only to find out she had completely passed out in the car, her exhaustion finally overtaking her.

"Adorable," he thought with a soft smile as he continued driving.

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now