dining dilemmas

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The bright sun shone through the windows, the burning rays hitting the faces of both Yeonjun and Y/N. Yeonjun noticed she was still sleeping but couldn't help but admire her beauty. Her amazing dancing had intrigued him even more, and he found himself drawn to her.

"I know you're staring," she said, opening one eye, a playful smirk on her lips.

Yeonjun quickly backed away and nervously chuckled. "Staring? Me? Nooo," he said, trying to cover up his embarrassing moment.

Y/N laughed, the sound light and carefree, making Yeonjun forget all about last night. He had made her feel at ease, and for a moment, she wished she could stay in this bubble forever, away from the harsh reality waiting outside. If only she hadn't opened her phone to Yujin's message asking her to pick her up, none of this would have happened.

Yeonjun sensed her discomfort and knew she was mentally cringing at herself from last night's escapade. He wanted to help her take her mind off things, so he suggested, "Do you wanna go out and walk around town? It could help you ease your mind."

Y/N nodded, knowing she still needed to practice for the dance event to impress the scouts. "Thank you for the offer, but I really need to practice dancing still."

"Hell no, you are not doing strenuous exercise after drinking all night. You need a break, and I wanna take you out. My treat," he insisted, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Y/N raised her brow and giggled. "Are you asking me out on a date? It hasn't even been a week."

Yeonjun shooed her off, trying to dismiss her teasing. Little did he know, Y/N was feeling the same way and enjoyed his company immensely.

"Okay, fine," she finally agreed, a smile playing on her lips.

Excitedly, Yeonjun hugged Y/N impulsively. Both shocked by his actions, they pulled away immediately, the awkwardness palpable.

"So, uh... where do I get my clothes?" she asked, breaking the tension. Yeonjun insisted he drive her home and they meet up at a local diner. She agreed, and they both headed back to her place.

After being dropped off, Y/N went back to her apartment, curiosity gnawing at her. She couldn't help but wonder what people were saying about her little fiasco online. Summoning her courage, she opened her phone and saw numerous comments. To her surprise, many people thought she must be fun to be around, and this made her smile, relieved that people weren't being rude or hateful about her embarrassing incident.

But then she saw a tweet saying, "Not Jake responding to the video on live 😭," and her heart dropped. Terrified about what he might have said, she quickly turned off her phone. She couldn't let her anxiety get the better of her, not when she had an unofficial date with Yeonjun to look forward to.

Y/N pondered for a few minutes, wondering what to wear. She wanted something casual yet impressive. "God, I need to buy new clothes..." she thought, rummaging through her wardrobe until she found the perfect outfit. She chose a cream mesh top with a tank top underneath, somewhat loose brown cargo pants, and black boots to top it off. She accessorized with heart-shaped earrings and retro sunglasses perched on her head. Deciding against makeup to give her skin a break, she felt ready to leave.

She hopped on a bus and headed to her destination, her nerves tingling with anticipation. When she arrived, she was about to text Yeonjun but spotted him sitting on the concrete, waiting for her.

"Yeonjun!! Hi!" Y/N exclaimed, more excited than usual to see her new friend.

Yeonjun smiled and greeted her warmly, and they both made their way into the diner. Everything was going well until she saw him—Jake, again.

"HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?" Y/N yelled out loud, causing a few heads to turn.

"What does?" Yeonjun asked, puzzled by her outburst.

Before she could explain, a worker greeted them and led them to their seats. Unbeknownst to Yeonjun, they were seated right behind Jake and, as Y/N could make out, Sunoo.

It all felt like a big dream—two members of her favorite group in front of her and a handsome man seated with her. "Hello! What would you like to order?" the waiter asked, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Hi, I would like to get a vanilla milkshake with fries and a burger. What about you, Y/N?" Yeonjun asked.

"Jake..." she mumbled, her mind elsewhere.

"What?" Yeonjun looked at her, confused.

"UH, I'll have whatever he's having!" she blurted out, her face flushing with embarrassment.

The waitress left, and Yeonjun turned to Y/N, questioning why she was acting so strange. "I'm really sorry, Yeonjun. I just saw someone I knew and got a little anxious, I guess," she said, making the excuse as vague as possible.

Yeonjun excused himself to go to the washroom, and Y/N seized the opportunity to apologize to Jake. Gathering all her courage, she approached the table where Jake and Sunoo were seated.

"Hi... I'm not sure if you remember me, but I was the..."

"The drunk girl who danced at the bar? Of course, I remember," Jake laughed, Sunoo joining in.

"Yeah, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior. What I did was unacceptable and..."

"Hey, hey, don't stress about it, okay? We all had fun, and no harm was done," Jake reassured her, his smile genuine.

Y/N felt immense relief. Her idol not only remembered her but had fun with her too. After some small talk, she excused herself and went back to her table.

"New friend, I see..." Yeonjun said, a hint of hurt in his voice.

"Oh no..." she thought, realizing this would be a lot to explain.

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