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it was now a countdown til the comeback ended. jake was panicking, he didnt know how to approach y/n about this situation, so he just never approached her at all. or at least didnt tell her everything.

the music video has been released, with many engenes swooning over the music and visuals. jake loved scrolling through the comments, secretly liking them on an alt account. however, while watching, he couldnt bring himself to read the comments. he knew there would at least be one person asking about y/n, or worse, hating on her.

it wasnt uncommon for fans to send death threats to whom ever an idol may be speculated to have a secret relationship. happened to many idols before him, and now it could be happening to her. to his surprise however, y/n barely went on social media. as they temporarily lived together throughout this comeback, he noticed y/n doesnt go on her phone much. she usually spent her days cooking special meals for jake.

"whats this?" he asked.

"i tried making mochi for the both of us, i dont know if its any good though..." she laughed nervously.

he smiled at her small gesture.

he realized she was too into making small gifts for him rather than being on her phone. 

"jake, do you want strawberry shortcake?" 

he nodded, for a moment he forgot about what situation theyre in. 

y/n noticed a change in his demeanor. he wasnt carefree and outgoing as he was, instead his face was overtaken with anxiety, like you could see the sweat dripping from his face, his fingers trembled. she walked away from the counter, and approached him.

"whats wrong?" 

"nothing y/n dont worry about me" he smiled. she knew it was a cover up, but out of respect, she didnt budge. if it was about idol life, she was not sure how to comfort him, especially since she doesnt know what its like to live that kind of life. she gave him a kiss on the cheek and headed back to making her strawberry shortcake.

meanwhile, jake was still anxious. more and more headlines came out with the same picture of them kissing. he wished he could be like y/n right now, carefree and in her own little world. thats when more rings from his phone came in. he saw that a lot of fans were supportive of his relationship and were glad they respected his privacy, however there were others bashing y/n. he wished he was the one taking the heat for this, not her. after all, he was the one who kissed her first. comments like "what an ugly pig" or "he deserves better" just showed how obsessed some fans can be, and it hurt him to see some 'engenes' treat y/n like that. 

he decided to take a break from his phone, and see what y/n was up to. 

y/n was so indulged in her cooking that she was surprised to feel arms wrapping around her waist making her gasp.

"jake what are you doing" she giggled.

"hugging you duh." 

he gently swayed her from side to side in a subtle way as to not disrupt her cooking. but y/n had some other ideas in her mind. 

"hey jake, can you taste this for me?" she asks while putting the spoon full of frosting in front of his face. 

as he leaned in, out of nowhere y/n throws a handful of flour into his face. 

he was in shock, and saw the girl laughing at her prank. 

"oh its on." he says while chasing her around with frosting in his hand. 

"AHH STOPP IM SORRY" she ran across the kitchen trying to avoid jake. thats when he decided to throw the frosting, hitting her right in the face. 

"AHH JAKE" she yells while he laughed. 

this went on for a good few minutes before being interrupted by a ring at the door.

"shit." they both say in unicen, covered in different ingredients. 

as jake went to answer the door, he saw ni-ki, standing at the door.

"what the fuck happened to you." he said trying his best not to laugh. thats when he saw y/n also covered in frosting and flour, and he bursted out laughing.

"im glad i caught you guys at a great time." 

"what are you doing here bro" jake asked.

"jungwon wanted me to ask how you were doing since the leak of-"

thats when jake covered ni-ki's mouth, making sure y/n couldnt hear anything.

"i didnt tell her"

ni-ki's eyes widened, knowing jake is only digging himself into a bigger hole.

"lets talk in my room yea?"

y/n was confused on why the two had to talk in private. but assumed it was about upcoming events since the comeback.

as jake closed the door, ni-ki began to speak

"you know, keeping this from her will only hurt her in the long run." 

jake didnt say anything, he couldnt disagree because he knew ni-ki was right. but for his own selfish reasons, he didnt want to lose y/n, at least not yet.

"i just, i just need to think about things right now"

ni-ki could understand the peril jake must be going through, i mean choosing between your career and the girl you've fallen for isnt really an easy decision. but he also knew jake had to tell her eventually.

"if you cant tell her im sure jungwon wouldnt mind-"

"no. i dont want her to know until the comeback is over" he interrupted. "i just cant lose her. but i also cant lose my career either. i mean gosh we literally worked our asses off for this. i dont know man. its just so hard to think about" 

ni-ki didnt know what to say. so he stayed silent. they both did, and thats how they knew the conversation ended. ni-ki didnt realize it until after they got up, but jake was tearing up, he really didnt want to lose her.

"everything will be fine hyung" he said patting jakes back.

as they got out of his room, y/n was still busy making the cake. 

"do you want to stay for some cake ni-ki?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"im alright, i'll be headed out now, goodluck on your cake, and getting that frosting out of your hair." he laughed as he left.

"what did you two talk about?" she questioned.

"just upcoming gigs you know the usual"

y/n noticed jakes eyes were a little red. as if he cried.

"are you okay? tell me the truth jake." she said sternly

"i guess im just anxious you know, i dont want this to end badly."

y/n's stern look softened. "im sure you will do great" and hugged him.

little did y/n know, jake wasnt talking about the comeback, but their relationship.

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