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As he cupped y/n's face, he looked intently into her eyes 

"ever since i saw you, you were the most beautiful girl ive ever laid my eyes on. the way you dance as well? like cmon. seriously, who wouldnt fall for you?"

she giggled.

"plus everytime i look at you i genuinely dont know why but my brain goes blank when im in your presence. you have a way of amazing me everytime im with you. your cute habits, the way you get flustered over the smallest things. you may not be perfect, neither am i, but youre the person id choose in a room of 100000 people"

he grabbed her hands and put them close to his chest.

"so dont ever think you arent suited for me okay?" and kissed them.

such a romancer, she thought as she giggled while he wiped her tears away.

"you have a way with your words jake sim."

he smiled. 

"EVERYONE GET INTO YOUR PLACES" the director yelled.

"lets head out?" he said as she nodded.

it was now 2 am and the shoot went well. after that big hiccup, y/n decided to focus just on jake. if she decided to focus on other things, definitely something could've gone wrong. they maintained eye contact whenever face to face, with jake making sure that all her attention is on him so she wouldn't have to worry. this feeling y/n felt with him was something she never felt before, a sense of belonging.

"AND CUT!!" the director yelled through his megaphone. 

everyone clapped knowing that the first day of the shoot was over. however, y/n knew that this would be the last time she would see jake in a while. all the promos and shootings and whatnot would definitely fill up his schedule. for now, she would have to go back to being a 'fan' and watch jake from afar, at least until the live performances.

all the boys gathered around, thanking the staff and dancers for their first day. as everyone prepared to leave for home, jake pulled y/n aside.

"i know you'll be missing me for a few days, and i will too trust me, so i wanted to give you this."

he handed her a key.

"what is this?" she asked

"a key to my apartment, youre welcome to stay until my shoot is over. at least you'll have some remnants of me while im gone" he giggled.

"oh my god" she squealed as she hugged jake tightly.

she looked into his eyes and pulled him into a kiss.

"when do i well... 'move in' ?" she questioned.

"i can drive you home so you can get your stuff packed?"

she nodded and they both left.

as she arrived to her place and got her things, she couldnt help but be grateful for jake. it was stupid, but the past few weeks with him after the incident were the best days of her life. once she got out of her place, jake was standing next to the car, waiting for her.

"what are you doing" she asked.

"waiting to open the door for you" 

she giggled, he was so stupid it was silly.

"cmere" he says as he pulls her close to him, hands on her waist, his lips meeting his.

they finally pull away after a few seconds of kisses, he opened the door for her to get inside, and he got in and drove to his place.

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now