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Yeonjun tried his best to wake Y/N, hoping she could tell him her apartment number and give him her keys, but it was no use. The girl was already snoring, fast asleep, leaving Yeonjun with no choice but to take her back to his place. As he drove through the city streets, the dim streetlights casting shadows on the dashboard, he couldn't help but glance at her occasionally. Although she reeked of alcohol, he found her incredibly beautiful. No girl had ever made him feel this way, especially someone he had just met.

"Goddamnit, Yeonjun, you don't even know her," he muttered to himself. If he really wanted to pursue her, he needed to get to know her better. This impulsive attraction was both thrilling and confusing. He tried to shake off these thoughts as he pulled into the driveway of his apartment building, focusing instead on getting her inside without waking her.

Once they arrived, Yeonjun carefully picked up Y/N, trying not to disturb her sleep. Her head lolled against his chest, and he marveled at how peaceful she looked despite the night's chaos. He carried her up the stairs, the sounds of the city fading behind him, and entered his apartment as quietly as possible. He hoped his roommates weren't home; they were known for their loud and unpredictable behavior.

But, to his dismay, as soon as he stepped inside, the front door slammed open. "YO, YEONJUN—wait, is that a girl?" his roommate, Beomgyu, exclaimed, eyes wide with surprise.

"Beomgyu, get out. She's clearly sleeping, so don't be loud," Yeonjun hissed, but Beomgyu just grinned mischievously. Ignoring his elder's warning, Beomgyu started singing a little tune in the hallway, his voice carrying through the apartment.

"YEONJUN'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!" Beomgyu's teasing grew louder and louder, drawing the attention of the other roommates.

Yeonjun mentally face-palmed, cursing his luck. Of all people, it had to be Beomgyu who found him. He could hear murmurs from the other rooms as curiosity spread among his friends.

"I can hear you idiots," Yeonjun called out, frustration lacing his voice. He opened his bedroom door to find them all gathered outside, staring at him with wide eyes and knowing smirks.

"So, is it true? You got a girl in your bed?" asked Huening Kai, a tall blonde boy whose shock was evident.

"Yes, but it's not like that, Huening Kai. And why are you so surprised? It's not like we don't see Taehyun with two girls every other night after his clubbing," Yeonjun explained, exasperation creeping into his tone. He glanced over at Taehyun, who just shrugged nonchalantly.

"Yeah, but you're Yeonjun. You're always busy with other things, not girls. It's already shocking enough that one's in your bed," Soobin, another tall, black-haired boy, interrupted, adding to the incredulity of the group.

"Soobin, you guys... it's not like that, I swear. She's just a friend, and we only just met today... well, technically yesterday," Yeonjun said, checking the time and realizing how late it had gotten.

Their jaws collectively dropped, the revelation that Yeonjun had a girl in his bed whom he had just met yesterday sinking in. The implications were clear, and Yeonjun could see the wheels turning in their heads.

Reading the room, Yeonjun quickly ushered the boys out, deciding to lock his door next time to avoid such an intrusion. He hoped the ruckus wouldn't wake Y/N. As the noise died down, Y/N began to stir, the distant echoes of their voices pulling her from sleep. Reality slowly set in as she realized she wasn't in her own room.

"Where am I?" she panicked, her eyes darting around the unfamiliar surroundings.

Yeonjun quickly explained where she was and apologized for the noise. Y/N tried to get out of bed, but a striking headache made her wince in pain, her head throbbing with the remnants of the night's excesses.

"Hungover, huh? Here, let me get you a drink," Yeonjun giggled softly, feeling a pang of sympathy for her. He disappeared into the kitchen to fetch some water and ramen, hoping it would help.

The poor girl just got back into bed, her thoughts a jumbled mess as she tried to piece together the events of the night. She was supposed to be practicing her dances for the upcoming random dance event, not ending up drunk in a club. She reached for her phone, dreading what she might find, and saw a barrage of missed calls and texts from Yujin.


Her stomach dropped. She quickly raced to Twitter, her fingers trembling as she navigated through the app, only to find her video circulating the internet with titles such as "Crazy Drunk Girl Dances to Enhypen" or "Drunk Girl Takes 'Drunk-Dazed' Too Literally." She hesitantly watched the video, mortified as she saw herself dancing wildly. Amidst the crowd, she noticed a familiar face watching her – Jake. He was there, taking care of her the whole time.

Y/N didn't know whether to panic, cry, or laugh. Her face stayed frozen, a mix of emotions overwhelming her.

"Hey, I'm back and brought you water and some ramen—Jesus Christ, you look like you've seen a ghost," Yeonjun said as he entered the room, concern etched on his face.

Y/N didn't reply; instead, she broke down crying, the weight of the night's events crashing down on her. "Hey? What's wrong? Talk to me, I'm all ears," Yeonjun said, taking a seat beside her and wrapping his arms around her for comfort.

"Yeonjun, I just ruined my whole image..." she sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

Yeonjun didn't know how else to comfort her but to just hold her. He felt a deep sense of empathy for her, even though she hadn't explained everything that had happened. "Hey, hey, it's okay, okay? C'mon, let's get you changed and go to sleep," he suggested, trying to calm her down.

He handed her an oversized shirt and basketball shorts. After Y/N changed, she headed back to bed, Yeonjun following behind her. "If you want, I can sleep on the couch. You can stay here," he offered, wanting to give her space if she needed it.

Y/N shook her head and held onto his arm, signaling for him to stay. Right now, she needed a support system, and he was the only one who made her feel safe. Yeonjun couldn't help but feel flustered. Even though he had only known her for a few hours, he already felt a deep connection. He'd seen her in a vulnerable state, and he trusted her implicitly.

Soon enough, the two cuddled together and fell fast asleep, their bodies entwined as they waited for the new day to arrive. The room was filled with the soft sounds of their breathing, the chaos of the night giving way to a peaceful slumber.

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