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It was another day of practice. Y/n was tired from the lack of sleep she got but needed to wake up anyways, she did not want to disappoint.

She did her normal routine and got ready. Suddenly she received a text.

Yeonjun: im outsideee hurry or else im leaving you.

y/n giggled at the boys text knowing yeonjun did not have the guts to leave her no matter how long she took. however practice was beginning soon so she knew she had to go.

as y/n steps outside and into yeonjun's car, she couldnt help but think about the conversation her and jake had that night. her thoughts were spiralling and she was wondering how these events ended up with her talking to her idol.

although deep down she knew her and jake were stricly business, nothing more nothing less. plus why would she ever imagine having anything more with jake when yeonjun is right there? right..?

'y/n... you good? youve been spacing out ever since you came in, didnt even say hi..' yeonjun asked, worried for the girl.

'oh yes dont worry ! i just didnt get a good night sleep..'

yeonjun put his hand on the girls thigh, reassuring her that he was always there for her.

as much as he didnt want to admit it, yeonjun was falling, hard.

he admired the girl even on the day of meeting her. y/n's determination and goal was something he could not resist. although he knows they are still friends, he couldnt help but get jealous of her being with jake, someone he knew y/n would swoon over. but at the end of the day, this is all just a job. he knew he couldnt get feelings in the way of y/n's dreams. so he bit his tongue.

as they reached the hybe building, yeonjun couldnt help but give y/n a peck on the cheek for goodluck.

y/n blushed at the gesture.

as she walked to the practice room she noticed no one was in the room.


'AHHH WHAT THE FUCK?' y/n yelled as jake started laughing his ass off.

'you know its good to be early or else these pranks will keep happening to you.' he teased

the girl rolled her eyes and dragged herself into the practice room with jake following from behind.

'so its still just us two?' she asked.

jake nodded.

he was annoyed that he needed to learn how to have better chemistry with a dance partner on his own rather with his members, however time with y/n was enjoyable. whenever he would make eye contact with her throughout the dance his tummy felt a certain way. he always analyzed her features, how her nose suited her face, her (e/c) glowy eyes that pierce through his idol image, as if she can see right through him.

what was he thinking? he wasnt being professional at all.. but emotions cannot be controlled, only hidden. little did he know y/n felt the same way.

whenever jake held her by the waist, she couldnt help but imagine them dancing together alone, not for a comeback or business reasons, but for them. she would admire the way he would close his eyes and listen to the music while dancing. she noticed whenever he made a mistake, he had this little smirk on his face of embarrassment while still continuing on.

this practice they recorded themselves to watch back on how they performed.

'not bad... but i feel like we dont have enough emotion? connection?' jake stated.

although it could be said they looked a bit awkward in certain parts, he wanted to use it as an excuse to take a break from dancing and get to know the girl more.

'if its not too much to ask... i was wondering, what made u start dancing?'

dancing. y/n thought. ever since she could remember dancing was her escape from
everything. she was a shy timid girl with no many friends, her anxiety and mind always overtook her thoughts. but dancing, dancing took away all of those negative emotions. it gave her a reason to keep moving on and not rot on her bed all day wondering why no one seems to acknowledge her.

'yea that y/n girl... shes pretty quiet and weird if im being honest. how does someone manage to be alone all the time?'

she remembered those specific words from her classmates which made her emotional.

yet one girl among them, yujin, stood up for her and even became her friend.

so maybe she was capable of making friends.

yujin supported her dream to dance which motivated her even more.

and now shes here.

'hey? are you okay?'

y/n didnt even notice she was tearing up. all of the sudden she felt the arms of jake wrapping around her, and she broke down.

jake was able to see her all vulnerable which to him made him feel as if she was more comfortable with him. he whispered

'it will all be okay. im always here'

maybe now they will begin having chemistry with each other.

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now