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It has been a week since jake and y/n confessed to each other about their hidden feelings. although nothing was made official yet, many staff and members noticed the change of body language between the two. they were inseparable, as if they couldnt keep their eyes (nor hands) off of each other. obviously no serious PDA was involved but jake would always have his hands around y/n in some way or another. y/n would always tease jake, in a flirty sense, with jake teasing back. even if the members were slightly annoyed by their 'subtle' flirtatious behaviour, they were happy that the two were happy with each other again. however, the staff did not agree with whatever they had going on, as it was against their contract to have any romantic relationships whatsoever.

"jake, we need to talk" says jungwon as he approaches the boy.

"management and other staff have noticed you and y/n being all well, touchy touchy, and there can be a risk that y/n might be well... dismissed. i need you guys to bring it on a downlow for now"

jake hated this part of being an idol. it was torture hiding his true feelings to please the fans and media, however this was what he signed up for essentially. 

"gotcha." he simply agrees, knowing jungwon only had the best intentions.

with this, he informed y/n on what jungwon told him.

"does this mean we have to pretend to not know each other?" she asks.

"we can always be ourselves behind closed doors, plus this would never make me change the way i feel about you" he says as he cups her face and kisses her forehead.

today was the day of filming the music video for bite me. management decided to film the dance first before any of the main shots of the boys. this was sadly the only day y/n had to film with jake, the rest was just the seven boys looking as vampiric as ever. 

the girls were separated into different trailers as their makeup and hair was getting done. y/n had to put on extensions since her hair was not that long. the makeup artist took her time perfecting her makeup, and since she was going to be wearing a mask, makeup was not needed underneath. as she was getting ready, she was texting jake but under the contact name "derrick" so management wouldnt get suspicious. hiding from them was thrilling yet scary at the same time, it was a roller coaster of emotions. however if they did get caught, y/n might lose her job, and make jake lose his as well. 

Derrick: i cant wait to dance with you yk? at this point ill purposely mess up so i get to spend more time cuz yk after this i'll be busy for a while

y/n: i know :( but dont mess up so much, we dont want the rest of the members to get pissed

she couldnt help but smile at her phone. it felt like a fever dream being in a romantic relationship with jake sim. it was as if yesterday she was reading fanfics of him and now shes here.

as her makeup and hair got done, she went out of the trailer to look for the boys. however she couldnt help but notice the other dancers giving her looks.

'shes not even that good at dancing not gonna lie, i dont see what he sees in her.' they whispered. 

this made her feel self-conscious. 

 what if theyre right she thought. what if im not good enough

she was so lost in thought that she didnt notice she bumped into jungwon.

"you know, its better to walk with your head up" he joked.

"sorry i didnt meant to. i was just lost in thought" she replied 

"well nows not the time to ponder, i mean dont you got a special man to find anyways" he nudged teasingly. 

she rolled her eyes "oh shut up jungwon"

he laughed as they walked together looking for a certain gentleman.

as they approached jake, he couldnt help but be mesmerized by her beauty.

"you look... beautiful" he said.

"and you look as dead as ever" she joked, referencing his vampire makeup look. "plus i just look like a regular girl"

"and who said that" as he picks her up gently, twirling her around.

"no one" she lied. she knew the other girls hated her relationship with jake, and it was slowly getting to her head. 

thats when the director called all of them over to begin the shoot.

as the music started, y/n couldnt help but remember those comments the other girls made. shes noticed that ever since she started dancing for enhypen, none of the other girls would include her in their conversations or whatnot. she was always the odd one out, probably because of how close she seemed with the boys, especially jake and jungwon. this made her the clear target of whatever they had against her. 

but this also made her think about the media. if she cant even handle some fire from other backup dancers, then how is she supposed to face the media if ever jake and her get caught? can she even handle dating an idol?

all this thinking made her unaware of her surroundings. causing her to trip over jakes foot, plummeting face first into the floor. 

she could hear the snickers of the other girls, and the concern gasps from the boys. jake quickly helped her up, lending her a hand.

"are you okay??" he asks.

y/n wanted to hide right then and there. embarrassed of what just happened in front of everyone. 

"CUT" the director yelled. "everyone take a breather, especially you."

y/n got up and walked as fast as she could into the bathroom, with jake trailing behind her. as he caught up to the girl, he grabbed her wrist making sure she was unable to run away. he knew something was up and wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"hey talk to me. whats wrong?"

"jake, why me? out of all the girls you could have chosen. why me? i mean gosh theres like many attractive fans swooning over you and i dont know-"

"y/n. you are the one i want."

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now