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today was the day of the inkigayo performance. y/n was nervous as ever, this was the first time performing on an actual stage, with cameras, screaming fans, and tv networkers streaming the whole thing.

"nervous?" y/n gasped at the random person talking behind her. "jungwon, dont sneak up on me like that " she sighed in relief.

"haha you have nothing to worry about, you'll do great." he reassured her. 

y/n was grateful for his company, however she noticed jake was acting different. he was distant, talking to her maybe a few times a day. 

"you have to go back home" he said seriously.

"oh..." those were the only words the girl could muster out. she wanted to stay but at the end of the day, she was only a guest.

"why the sudden change?" she asked.

"just business reasons" he says as he grabs her face and kisses her. "im sorry."

this whole ordeal confused her. one second he could be acting cold and the next he was lovey dovey, they arent official though, so why would it matter. at least thats what she told herself. but she knew deep down, this was hurting her. it kept her waiting for the moments where jake would be soft and affectionate again, but now it seemed like it happens once a blue moon.

"whats up with jake?" she asked jungwon. hoping for an answer.

jungwon knew jake didnt tell her anything. he also knew he was trying to detach himself from her. he was hurt knowing that their time was limited. jungwon knew everything, but he couldnt tell y/n out of respect for jake.

"hes just been nervous, its been like this a lot." he lied. "dont worry though, he will get over it eventually" 

jungwon pats y/n on the back, but was then called by staff. 

"talk to you later okay?" 

y/n just nodded. she didnt know what to do, should she approach jake or just leave him be. will her presence make it worse? 

she walked up to him, hoping not to disrupt him. she could easily tell he was spacing off.

"jake? can we talk"

"not right now, we're up in a few" he said coldly, not even making eye contact with the girl.

y/n just nodded and left. she hated how much of a pushover she was. she wouldnt question others and their authority, she was weak in her mind. something was up, and she wanted to get to the bottom of it so she could comfort jake. but you cant comfort a person who wont open up.

to get her mind off of things, she texted yeonjun. ever since her busy schedule and a lot of time spent with jake, she wasnt able to contact her friends. 

y/n: hey yeonjun

and just as quickly as she sent it, he replied.

yeonjun: omg y/n, are you excited for your performance.

y/n: im freaking out ngl

yeonjun: dont be, plus you may see a familiar face in the audience ;)

y/n: YOURE HERE???

and no response after that. she knew yeonjun loved making surprises for her, even when they were talking. which kind of made her miss him, at least his attention, something jake wasnt able to give her. but thinking like that was wrong, clearly jake is going through some mental peril. 

"everyone get into their places" a staff member calls out for each performer as it was about to begin. the lights were dim so seeing was hard. y/n was wearing a formal long sleeved dress shirt with a corset on top, black dress pants, and a black mask to hide her face. the stage was small yet very pretty, with roses everywhere, a castle like setting. 

as they all got into their positions, she wondered if jake was going to keep the same chemistry they had, or completely block her out. it was like a game, and she never knows which jake she will get next. as she tried to go blank as to not make her nervous, the music began.

It's you and me in this world, 내게로 다시 와, tie me
날 구원할 거라면, just come kiss me and bite me

as she began dancing, she searched in the crowd for yeonjun, and there he was. standing at the front smiling, seeing his friend on stage. she smiled back, although due to the mask he probably didnt notice. 

as the perfomance continued, the backup dancers stepped to the side, as to let the boys continue their parts. the chorus was the part where she was nervous since the partner work was heavy. the fans were screaming, it was so loud that the music was barely heard by her. thank god for the monitor in her ear to tell her the counts or else she would've been late.

then there it was, the chorus. y/n swiftly got to jake and they began dancing. he looked her in the eye, in a seductive way. y/n was so flustered that she closed her eyes for a moment to recover from that look. as she opened her eyes, jake was still looking at her. this time lovingly, like he was admiring her beauty. he grabbed her waist as she turned. the fans were going crazy over the dance, the screams and chants got louder, and so did y/n's heart pounding. 

she couldn't imagine all the jake fancams capturing them together, her little fan girl started getting excited of all the edits. 

as they finished the performance, y/n waited to hug jake after his ending fairy. the boys got off stage quickly, heavy breathing and sweat everywhere. as she saw jake, she ran up to him and hugged him. however, nothing back.

"y/n this isnt professional. we have a job to do, we can do this later." 

her heart sank. but he was right, nows not the time for pda. especially in public.

"sorry" she said as she walked off.

she wanted to cry, she was so confused, he acts like he hates her, but then treats her as if he wants her. it was all too much. 

luckily no other gigs were happening that day other than some interviews that didnt concern her. 

she took off her outfit, thanked the staff, and left. she decided it was best to find yeonjun, to distract herself from jake. as she ran through the crowd, she noticed some fans were looking at her, in an aggressive way. 

whats that about?  she wondered.

there he was, arms open to hug her. 

"YOU DID SO WELL" he laughed.


as he congratulated her, she overheard other fans saying "isnt that the girl in the photo with jake?? no way shes the backup dancer" 

she was confused. what was going on? what photo?

"hey yeonjun, did you see any photos of jake and i, like ones ive never sent you..."

"oh yea, there was like paparazzi who caught you two kissing, i thought you already knew or something."

what the fuck.

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now