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"Yeonjun, I can explain..." Y/N started, but Yeonjun just silently went back to his table, not saying a word. Throughout the entire meal, an uncomfortable silence filled the air, as if they had reverted to being strangers.

Finally, Y/N mustered the courage to speak up. "I'm going to the random dance event tomorrow... I was wondering if, uh, you'd like to come?"

More silence. Y/N had a feeling Yeonjun was interested in her, but she also felt she shouldn't be treated this way. So, she stood up and walked out of the diner. To her surprise, Yeonjun didn't say a word. She told herself it was fine; she needed a break from everyone anyway.

As she started to walk away, she heard someone calling out to her.

"HEY!" The sound of footsteps grew louder, and when she turned around, she saw Jake.

"Jake? What are you doing here?" she asked, bewildered.

He sighed, catching his breath. "I rarely get this opportunity as an idol since my schedule is crazy. But I didn't get your name and was wondering if you would want to go out today?"

Y/N felt like she was about to faint. Never in a million years would she have imagined Jake talking to her, let alone wanting to spend time with her.

"Y/N... My name is Y/N, and I'd love to, but I have to practice, uh... dancing."

"I can join if you want. I don't want you to feel lonely," he smiled, and Y/N's heart melted. She knew she'd probably never have a chance like this again, so she agreed.

"Uh, you see... I don't really have a ride, and I'm not sure if I'm allowed to go with you..." she explained hesitantly.

Jake simply grabbed her hand and ran. Not knowing what to do, she went along with it, and soon enough, they arrived at a very isolated-looking place.

"This was an abandoned restaurant many years ago, but my bandmates and I made it a little place to hang out when we have the time," he explained.

Y/N looked in awe at the sad-looking exterior but was pleasantly surprised by the welcoming interior. As she was looking around, she heard music fill the room, turned on by Jake.

"Since you're very good at dancing, would you like to join me?" he asked as "Drunk-Dazed" started playing.

She gave him a 'seriously?' look, knowing this was the song she had embarrassed herself with. Jake just chuckled and dragged her up. Soon enough, the two danced until it was dark.

Eventually, Y/N and Jake went their separate ways. Once Y/N got home, she fangirled hard, knowing she had spent the day with the Jake Sim. Despite her excitement, she was so exhausted that she fell asleep right away.

Tomorrow was it—the day of the event.

a/n: IM SO SORRY FOR THIS LAZY CHAPTER. this mostly filler to continue the story for next chapter !!

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