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Y/n could not sleep that night. Her mind was wandering, she did not know why. It was probably the fact that she now works with her favorite group. She kept overthinking that she did not deserve this opportunity. She did not want to be pessimistic, but this was always how she was. Was she even good enough? There were probably better dancers out there, why her?

She needed sleep but these thoughts were consuming her brain. She needed a distraction.

Y/n: hey yeonjun, i don't know if you're awake, i can't sleep...

no response.

Y/n: yujin, you up?

no response. 

As she was about to put her phone back on the nightstand, a piece of paper fell. Jake's number... She didn't want to disturb him, but did she have any other option...

Y/n: hey jake, its me y/n. sorry for disturbing you but I can't sleep. just needed someone to talk to.

She sighed, knowing that this text will probably never be seen by him. A few minutes go by and now response, so she gave up and tried to fall asleep. Until a notification came through her phone. A text.

Unknown: hey no worries, i'm supposed to be sleeping in my dorm right now but I can't help but stay up so i'm just chillin in the living room

Jake responded? This surprised y/n knowing that this was the least she expected. 

y/n: well its nice to see that we both are struggling with sleeping lol

She wonders why Jake could not sleep. Maybe he was so used to staying up for practice, causing him to have an irregular sleep schedule, or maybe he could have something on his mind? Nevertheless, y/n was grateful that someone actually responded or else she would have been consumed with her own thoughts. 

Jake: why're you still up right now? 

y/n: just overthinking about stuff, especially the dance.

She was embarrassed to admit that working with Jake was an expectation to be held. Not only is he a good dancer, but he's an idol and has to keep this idol image. She did not want to ruin that for him, so she has to put in 110% of effort.

Jake: hey from what I saw and what i've seen, youre an excellent dancer. plus you learn fast so thats something. 

she smiled. Reassurance from him felt nice, she felt a warmness in her heart. It's different now that she's talking to someone she idolized for a long time, it's not through variety shows or interviews anymore, she's finally seeing him more than an idol. 

y/n: thank you :) whyre you up ?

Jake: i've just been stressed out about this comeback, idk if im supposed to tell you but im dyeing my hair blonde so thats something. im also stressed about the fact that what if this comeback is not good enough for fans yk? before i was very confident but it's like i have this standard to uphold. sorry lmao, im just thinking too much.

y/n was shocked. Again, Jake was becoming more human to her rather than some idol she saw. Sometimes she forgets that these are real people that have struggles and insecurities like the rest of humanity. Knowing that he was openly talking about his vulnerability to her made her smile. It was nice to see that Jake trusted her in some way and that he did not have to keep this persona of the 'perfect' idol image they are demanded of. 

y/n: im sure this comeback will be amazing jake, i already know the song and dance and so far it sounds great. if the fans dont love it then theyre srsly crazy, plus you would look good with dyed hair.

Jake liked talking to her. Although they've had their small encounters, she managed to make him smile in each of them, especially the day where he danced with her. He hated how fast he felt safe with her, because if he easily trusts someone he could get hurt.  But would she really turn on him like that? I guess he will need to find out for himself. 

Jake: haha i hope so

Y/n was slowly drifting to sleep after a while of talking to Jake. They have learned a little more about each other, their insecurities, hopes and dreams, and what future they aspire to have. 

Jake was happy he got to know the girl better, maybe then he can have better chemistry with her during the dance. Maybe they could be more than coworkers..

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