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'lets all start from the first chorus everyone! since that has the most partner work'

as all the girls waited on the sidelines for their part to begin. the boys stood there waiting for their cue.

'Just come over and bite me' there it was.

she began walking to jake, but he paid no attention to her. he

'It's you and me in this world'

y/n wanted to make eye contact during the dance, just like how they practiced, but jake was constantly staring at the floor or the mirror. she wanted what they had back, but she ruined it. she noticed during the dance, jake hesitated to grab her. she was hurt by this gesture but continued on. as she was looking elsewhere during the dance, she noticed heeseung and the dancer having such great chemistry. he would sometimes stare directly at her and smirk.

what a flirt. she thought.

other members looked comfortable with their partner. however both jake and y/n remained stiff with tension rising between them, and not the good kind. the choreographer noticed this and cut the music.

'y/n and jake. what is with you two? i thought you guys had this down already.'

they both apologized for the inconvenience and tried again.

'you do know you guys will have to be center for the second chorus? if you guys cant get this down then i'm not sure what to tell you. we dont want to disappoint the fans right?' the choreographer said sternly. her eyes pierced through both of them as her frustration grew.

'whatever happened in your personal lives, now is not the time to think about it. we must be professional here. got it?'

they both nod and continue. the other members remained quiet as to not get scolded as well.

as they began again, jake still looked to the floor as to avoid her eye contact. he started to become more comfortable as he was trying to forget what was happening.

'okay good. we will now start from the top'

the choreographer put them into position, with y/n being one of the girls in the mid section of the intro. her knees were hurting as she had to kneel on the hard floor. as they were learning the dance her thighs started to burn as there was a lot of getting up and going back down on the floor.

after hours of practice, they've finally learned most of the dance. although her parts were brief, her legs were giving out. she wasnt able to eat most of the day as dance was taking up her schedule. she felt as if she was about to faint.

'hey you okay?' she looked up and saw jungwon lending a hand.

'im okay, thank you' she grabbed his hand as he helped her up.

'youre lucky we're getting a break as we still have a lot of practice to go, its only 10 and we end at 1' he smiled.

he offered her water to which she accepted and drank straight away.

'did you eat anything? you shouldnt be this worn out' he asked

'i wasnt able to eat much, only a snack bar and an apple'

he laughed at the foolish girl. 'next time eat a really big meal okay?'

she smiled at his caring attitude. even if they dont even know each other, he was still being hospitable, no wonder why he was the leader.

as they were talking she couldnt help but notice jake sitting on the floor, by himself just scrolling on his phone. as he looked up he saw jungwon and y/n together and couldnt help but feel jealousy.

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now