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frozen. thats all she was.

she was mortified at what just happened, she not only lost her favorite idol, but also her best friend.

after jake had left, y/n finally had the strength to leave as all the stares from the public were making her feel worse than what she already felt. she felt awful that she had to lie to yeonjun and jake. why would she even try having both at the same time knowing that they all get hurt in the end. 

she wanted to text yeonjun and apologize.

she wanted to run after jake and explain the situation. but was there really anything to explain?

she lied to both of them, she played both of them, and now she has gotten caught with her tail between her legs. 

her anxiety began to worsen as she remembered she still was needed as a backup dancer to jake and the rest of enhypen. how would she even dance with jake if he wanted nothing to do with her at that point? the show must go on.

jake was crying at the wheel of his car. his emotions were rushing in while the rain kept dropping against his front window. how was he so foolish to fall for a girl he barely knew and someone he should've kept as a business partner? right now that didnt matter, he just needed to go home and rethink everything. plus, falling for someone that fast would never have ended well, especially for a job like his where dating is off limits. what was he thinking.

deep down jake wanted to see a text from y/n, but he knew seeing that text message might trigger something inside him. if only he could go back in time to those moments where y/n looked at him as if he was a person and not an idol. or better yet, to a moment where they would've never met.

yeonjun was silent the whole car ride back to taehyuns place. even if taehyun was scolding yeonjun for making such a big scene, all those words coming out of his mouth were muffled. he remembered punching jake and seeing how frightened y/n looked. he was sad that she had to witness that, but if she had stayed honest on how she felt, even if that meant she didnt like him anymore, none of this would have happened.

this all reminded him of something before. he hated thinking about it. he hated the thought of her. but y/n reminded him of her so much... and its like history repeating itself, over and over again.

taehyun saw the cut yeonjun had gotten from the fight. it made a gash in yeonjun's eyebrow. 

that will definitely scar. he thought

he knew yeonjun was heartbroken. this has happened all before with another girl, however it was worse. yeonjun was closed off and played off as some non chalant dude from then on. but when he met y/n his attitude changed. he was happier, open, and vulnerable around the girl. he really did trust her, something taehyun thought was impossible after that experience. now he is back at the same point he started off in. as much as taehyun wanted to relief the awkward tension in the car... he knew now was not the time.

y/n was stuck in the rain with no umbrella or ride home. she was too ashamed to contact anyone but she had nothing on her other than her phone. if she could call a cab she would, but of course today had to be the day she left her cash at home. 

she couldnt tell if the water pouring down on her face were her tears or the rain. maybe mother nature is crying along with her, imagine. she did not deserve those boys at all. 

she got the strength to text yujin, since that was her only way of getting back home.

y/n: yujin can you pick me up? its urgent. *address* 

with an instant response, yujin agrees.

when yujin saw the state of y/n, she knew something absolutely bad has happened. she helped the girl up from the curb she was sitting on and grabbed a dry sweater to wrap around her. obviously curiosity ran throughout her body, but it didnt seem like y/n wanted to talk about it, so she let the girl be.

'lets go home yea?' she asked

y/n nodded, sniffling along the way.

'yujin... im such a terrible person..' 

yujin reassured the girl that she wasnt. 

'people make mistakes y/n, im sure you didnt want any of this to happen.' 

y/n wanted to erase herself from this situation completely. maybe falling asleep would help.

yujin couldnt help but admire the girl, she saw the innocence of y/n as she was sleeping. she remembered the poor little girl who was unable to speak for herself at school, so yujin became her voice. as they grew older, y/n came out of her shell more often, needing yujin less, but even if she was becoming more independent, she would always be there for her no matter what.

as they arrived to y/n's place, she woke up the girl gently telling her that they are here.

y/n thanked her best friend and went inside.

she was too tired to take off her makeup, her wet clothes, or even take a hot shower. 

she immediately crashed on the couch, crying about the situation she was in. she still needed to see jake during practice, she couldnt just back out due to some personal complications in her own life.

it had been 3 days since the incident. y/n was nervous knowing she had to see jake again in a few hours. her mind has been wandering and she could not sleep, which is evident through her eye bags.

she looked in the mirror and saw how disheveled she looked. it didnt matter to her anymore, she just wanted the day to end already.

she heard a text from her phone.


*your uber has arrived*


y/n had been so accustomed to yeonjun picking her up and dropping her off that she thought that text was from him. as if nothing happened. but what was she thinking, why would he ever want to contact her again after that?

y/n grabbed her duffel bag and sweater and headed out.

as she was looking out the window of the car, she couldnt help but remember the times yeonjun would ask if she was okay whenever she spaced out like that. he would always reassure her with his hand on her lap rubbing it gently. she couldnt help but smile with that thought, it was a silly thought, it was even sillier to think yeonjun liked her.

'we're here maam' the driver said with a straight monotone voice.

she thanked the man and walked out.

as she took a deep breathe, she reminded herself to stay calm and collected when she sees jake. she was not even worried about the other members anymore, even if jake had told them about it. right now was work and work only.

walking to the practice room was like walking to her death. she knew she just had committed social suicide. 

when she opened the door, she saw the 6 other members and... jake. he was alone with airpods in not wanting to talk to anyone. he seemed focused but down, who could blame him?

as the choreographer walked in, each dancer and member took their places. jungwon was with sunoo, niki, and a few other backup dancers. jay and his partner were trying to figure out the arm part of the dance. while sunghoon and heeseung were in their own world.

'places everyone! we need to perfect this dance for the comeback' 

as everyone got into position, she saw jake look at her for a moment. in that moment she saw sadness and regret, and the feeling she had the day before all came back.

'lets get this over with yea?' he tells her.

'yea.' she replies bluntly.

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now