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its been a week since y/n has started practicing with jake.

they've finally nailed the chemistry his choreographer was looking for, so they can finally work on the dance as a group.

y/n could not help but be nervous. there would be other girls there who are probably more experienced than she is. not to mention the fact she is going to be meeting all of the members.

then she had a thought. heeseung is going to be there... and he probably remembers her drunk fiasco. not to mention her video got posted and started trending among the engenes... so all the members might know.
her mind was in shambles and her heart was racing. even though the practice was in a few days, she couldn't help but be nervous.

jake: hey y/n do you wanna hang out? im bored.

over the past week, jake and y/n have gotten closer. she knows she shouldn't mix in her emotions with her job, it could not be helped. jake was so intoxicating to her that whenever they danced together, she became attached.

she got to know jake better as a person too, his aspirations and dreams, his worries, everything.

she felt her heart melting every time they interacted. she would always go home giddy by the fact that jake and her are more than coworkers. however, she did not know if jake felt the same, what if he only saw her as a pastime? she shook these thoughts out of her head knowing it will end up with her overthinking for hours.

y/n: sure!

jake looked at his phone wondering if he should wait to reply.

what if she thinks im weird? he thought. 

just like y/n, jake has managed to make a connection with the girl. he would always want to text her, but his thoughts made him cowardly.  whenever they would dance together, he would notice he became... sweatier? was it because they were dancing? or because y/n just made him nervous?? maybe both.

jake: okay great! you can meet me at my place then :)

y/n blushed through the phone. she's been at jakes place a few times, usually after practice whenever she did not have ride. however, this time was because he wanted to hangout. as the girl was getting herself ready, she received another text.

yeonjun: hey y/n! i was wondering if you wanted to go out since yk.. you've been busy and idk i miss you 

y/n felt her heart shatter a bit. she's been neglecting yeonjun and in a way leading him on. 

jake is just a friend right...? why do i feel bad??

y/n: hey yeonjun... sorry i already have made plans with someone else but i promise we can hang-out next time!!


yeonjun was hurt. he knew that lately she has been getting along with that jake dude by the way she always talks about him. was that the person she made plans with? he thought they were just coworkers...

the boy was confused, because she has been distant and less enthusiastic about seeing him. but whenever they are together, like on the car ride to her work, she would always say how much he meant to her, giving him kisses on the cheek, and whatnot. 

deep down, yeonjun wanted to text her 'you said next time the last time? when will be the next time? if im taking up your time then lmk' but he knew that would hurt her. 

he needed time off of everything.

yeonjun: taehyun are you busy?

taehyun: no.

yeonjun: lets go out at 4 to the diner yea?

taehyun: k.

𝙟𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙖 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙪𝙥 𝙙𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧? - sim jake x readerWhere stories live. Discover now