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The audition went... surprisingly well.

The casting agents did look impressed at her dancing but then again it could just have been them being professional.  They told her that if she passed, they would send an email or a voicemail. The hardest part was the waiting, all the suspense it brought her, it was exciting yet anxiety inducing at the same time. If she didn't get in, she would be back to her normal life, which she did not mind. But all this work, all this energy to step outside her comfort zone, should not just be for nothing. In fact, if dancing was her passion, then why not take it professionally. All these questions kept circulating through her mind... wondering if she will ever be good enough.

A few days pass and nothing. At this point, she just assumed some lucky girl, much prettier and well suited for their comeback, had gotten the part. Y/n just thought she was lucky enough to have at least some moments with Jake that other people probably could not have. 

Yeonjun: Hey, are you alright? you've been becoming a hermit lately and im worried, i need you to get out of ur house and let loose a little

This random text from Yeonjun couldn't help but make y/n smile. Somehow his words always had a way of cheering the girl up, even when she felt miserable.

y/n: yeonjun, im just so anxious about the call, its just best to believe that..

That was when her texting was rudely interrupted by an unknown number, usually she would ignore these calls as they were most likely spam but she had the urge to answer and that she did...

'hello! this is Ms. Choi from HYBE ent. is this ms... OH MS Y/N !!'

'YES.. er yes hello this is her'

'well I would like to inform you that YOU GOT THE PART! CONGRATS! I, management, and the boys will see you sometime this week for practice. BEST OF WISHES!'

y/n's heart dropped, was this all true?? dancing for enhypen??? DANCING WITH JAKE????? This had to be a dream but she was very well awake..


After telling her friends, they went out to celebrate her accomplishments. No not clubbing, but a late night dinner that Yujin had reservations to.

'so y/n, how does it feel to live your dream??' Yujin excitedly screeched as they entered the restaurant. 

'SHH YUJIN YOURE SO LOUD' yeonjun complained. 

y/n just laughed at their banter, looking like they could be siblings. Her life was taking a marvelous turn. Her passion was finally becoming a profession, her dreams were finally coming true. 

As they walked inside, the beautiful aroma hits their noses, with the smells of delicious food filling their lungs. 

'holy shit Yujin, this restaurant is amazing' y/n exclaimed, never really experiencing a fancy restaurant such as this. 

While they were seated, y/n couldn't help but notice Yeonjun being awfully quiet. To her he seemed not in the moment.

Little did she know, yeonjun had his own worries. Ever since the call, y/n has been so preoccupied with everything, leaving no room for them. He hate to admit that over the course of knowing each other, his feelings for her have grown. Now that she is busier than ever, yeonjun worried that y/n might forget about him. Maybe she might find some hot guy at the HYBE building, or even worse, she might fall for Jake. She was already head over heels over that idol, but now getting to work with him brought her closer to Jake and away from him. 

Y/n did not know that yeonjun had such deep feelings for her. She didn't realize that she was the light in the room that was dark. That she was the energy he needed, she was his happiness. 

Yujin knew all of this. 

Sadly, Yujin had to listen to Yeonjun's banter about how much he liked the girl. She has told him time and time again that he should open up about his feelings. So not only did she want to celebrate, but also give Yeonjun the opportunity to confess how he really felt. If he didn't, she did not know when another opportunity like this would arise. 

After ordering and receiving their food, Yujin went on a 'bathroom break' to let the two be alone together.

Yeonjun was nervous, not because there's a chance she would not like him back, but because what if this ruins their friendship. It's worse to be nothing without y/n.

'Hey y/n?' 

The girl just looked up with a curious look, wondering what this boy could say now.

'I know in a few days, you will be busy out of your mind so might as well say this now. I really like you, and I appreciate you so much. You are always the person who makes me smile, who gives me motivation, who reminds me how good life is. Ever since that day we met, you stood out to me for so many reasons. Not only were you a good dancer, but you were the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes upon. I'm sorry if this ruins our friendship but I just needed to let it out before I go insane.'

y/n was speechless. Her heart melted like a piece of chocolate out on a sunny day. Her cheeks were flushed with red, and her feelings for the boy grew even more.

And with that, she kissed him on the cheek.

'yeonjun. I like you too'

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